Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Public Health paid several subrecipients their 25 percent payment for a threemonth service period well after the 45-day time limit, as set forth in the Prompt Payment Act and as mandated by 31 CFR, Part 205, Subpart B, regarding the minimization of time between the receipt of request for payment and the federal draw and subsequent payment issuance by the state program. |
2004-05 |
The 2007 finding is partially corrected. Public Health has a corrective action plan in place to for the 2008 finding. |
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National Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program |
Public Health lacks sufficient internal controls over reporting. Specifically, we noted there is no evidence of review or approval of the SF-272, Federal Cash Transaction Report. Furthermore, we found errors in the reported amounts. |
2006-07 |
Partially corrected. A corrective action plan is in place for the 2008-002 finding. |
312 |