DVOP (Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program) |
Our review of SF-269A reports EDD submitted to Federal Labor revealed errors in calculating indirect costs for the Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program and the Local Veterans’ Employment Representative program. In addition, EDD has no written procedures for completing the SF-269A report, and verifying the indirect cost calculations before submitting it to Federal Labor was not part of the regular management review of the SF-269A. |
2006-07 |
Partially corrected. EDD has a corrective action plan in place for the 2008-002 finding. |
185 |
LVER (Local Veterans' Employment Representative Program) |
Our review of SF-269A reports EDD submitted to Federal Labor revealed errors in calculating indirect costs for the Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program and the Local Veterans’ Employment Representative program. In addition, EDD has no written procedures for completing the SF-269A report, and verifying the indirect cost calculations before submitting it to Federal Labor was not part of the regular management review of the SF-269A. |
2006-07 |
Partially corrected. EDD has a corrective action plan in place for the 2008-002 finding. |
185 |
Trade Adjustment Assistance |
EDD lacks controls to ensure the accuracy of the data in the ETA-563 report that it submits to the U.S. Department of Labor (Federal Labor). The ETA-563 report it submitted to Federal Labor for the quarter ending June 30, 2007, was not in compliance with federal requirements. |
2006-07 |
Remains uncorrected/agree with finding. The DE 8751—Training Plan has been revised to be a more comprehensive documentation and will require more documentation to be entered by staff |
187 |
Trade Adjustment Assistance |
Federal Labor requires EDD to submit electronic Trade Act Participant Report files no later than 45 calendar days after the end of each quarter of reporting. Our review found that EDD’s report for the first calendar quarter of 2007 contained errors. |
2006-07 |
EDD completed its corrective action for the 2007-002 finding. A corrective action plan is in place for the 2008-002 finding. |
189 |