16.606 |
Corrections & Rehabilitation |
U.S. Dept. Justice |
State Criminal Alien Assistance Program |
1 |
84.048 |
Education |
U.S. Dept. Education |
Career and Technical Education--Basic Grants to States |
1 |
84.186 |
Alcohol and Drug |
U.S. Dept. Education |
Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities - State Grants |
1 |
84.287 |
Education |
U.S. Dept. Education |
Twenty-First Century Community Learning Centers |
1 |
93.778 |
Health Care |
U.S. Dept. Agriculture |
Medical Assistance Program |
1 |
93.959 |
Alcohol and Drug |
U.S. Dept. Education |
Block Grants for Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse |
1 |