Reports Issued in 1993
Date Issued | Report Number | Report Title |
August 30, 1993 | 92005 |
Treasurer's Cash Count (March 31, 1992)
September 23, 1993 | 93017 |
A Review of the Accomplishment of Goals Designed To Reduce Drug and Alcohol Abuse in California |
October 5, 1993 | 93012 |
The Department of Health Services' Information on Drug Treatment Authorization Requests (Letter Report), (Contract audit by The Thornton Group) |
October 7, 1993 | 92008 |
State of California, Statement of Securities Accountability of the State Treasurer's Office, June 30, 1992 |
November 23, 1993 | 92006 |
Treasurer's Cash Count (June 30, 1992)
December 1, 1993 | 93018 |
Review of the California Department of Toxic Substances Control's Implementation of the Hazardous Waste Source Reduction and Management Review Act of 1989, (Contract audit by Ernst & Young) |
December 28, 1993 | 92001 |
State of California, Financial Report, Year Ended June 30, 1992 (Financial Statements) |
December 30, 1993 | 93022 |
A Review of the Department of Motor Vehicles' Administration of the Collegiate License Plate Program' (Letter Report) |
December 31, 1993 | 92002 |
A Review of the State's Controls Over Its Financial Operations (Mgmt. Letters) |
December 31, 1993 | 92003 |
State of California, Comprehensive Financial and Compliance Audit Report, Year Ended June 30, 1992
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