Report 2002-406 Summary - February 2002
Implementation of State Auditor's Recommendations Audits Released in 2000 and 2001
This report summarizes the major findings and recommendations from audit and investigative reports we issued from January 2000 through December 2001. The purpose of this report is to identify what actions, if any, these departments have taken in response to our findings and recommendations. We have placed an arrow symbol in the left-hand margin of the department action to identify areas of concern or issues that we believe the department has not adequately addressed.
For this report, we have relied upon required periodic written responses prepared by auditees to determine whether corrective action has been taken. The Bureau of State Audits' (BSA) policy requests that auditees provide a written response to the audit findings and recommendations before the audit report is initially issued publicly. As a follow up, we require the auditee to respond at least three times subsequently: at 60 days, 6 months, and 1 year after the public release of the audit report. We may at times require follow-up beyond 1 year or have initiated a follow-up audit if deemed necessary.
We report all instances of substantiated improper governmental activities resulting from our investigative activities to the cognizant state department for corrective action. These departments are required to report the status of their corrective actions every 30 days until all such actions are complete.
Unless otherwise noted, we have not performed any type of review or validation of the corrective actions reported by the auditees. All corrective actions noted in this report were based on responses received by our office as of February 6, 2002.
To obtain copies of the complete audit and investigative reports, access the BSA's Web site from the links below or contact the BSA at (916)445-0255.
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