2018-041 - Status of Recommendations - Table 3
State Auditor's Assessment | ||||||
Report Title, Number, and Issue Date | Recommendation | # Years | Comp Date | Not Substantiated | Not Addressed | |
Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District | ||||||
Charter Schools: Some School Districts Improperly Authorized and Inadequately Monitored Out‑of‑District Charter Schools 2016-141 (Issue Date: 10/17/2017) | 11. To ensure that it has a method to hold charter schools accountable for their educational programs, Acton-Agua Dulce Unified should, as a best practice, strengthen its authorization process by using the State Education Board's criteria for evaluating petitions. |
1 | October 2018 | |||
12. To ensure compliance with state law, Acton-Agua Dulce Unified should immediately establish a procedure to periodically review and update its charter school policy to include all of the requirements in state law. |
1 | October 2018 | ||||
13. To ensure compliance with state law, Acton-Agua Dulce Unified should immediately review petitions to ensure they include all of the requirements in state law at the time of their approval. |
1 | May 2016 | ||||
15. To ensure compliance with state law, Acton-Agua Dulce Unified should immediately track its actual costs for providing oversight and verify that its oversight fees do not exceed legal limits. |
1 | September 2017 | ||||
18. To better ensure effective oversight of its charter schools' finances, Acton-Agua Dulce Unified should place a district representative as a nonvoting member on each charter school's governing board. |
1 | No Action Taken | ||||
20. To ensure that charter schools work toward the academic goals established in their charters, Acton-Agua Dulce Unified should adopt an academic oversight policy that includes steps for working with charter schools with poor performance results. |
1 | October 2018 | ||||
22. Acton-Agua Dulce Unified should maintain active memorandums of understanding with its charter schools that describe the district's oversight responsibilities and ensure the schools meet the measurable student outcomes to which they have agreed. |
1 | October 2018 | ||||
Antelope Valley Union High School District | ||||||
Charter Schools: Some School Districts Improperly Authorized and Inadequately Monitored Out‑of‑District Charter Schools 2016-141 (Issue Date: 10/17/2017) | 30. To better ensure effective oversight of its charter schools' finances, Antelope Valley Union should place a district representative as a nonvoting member on each charter school's governing board. |
1 | September 2018 | |||
Butte County | ||||||
Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund: Counties' Benefit Committees Did Not Always Comply With State Laws for Distribution Fund Grants 2013-036 (Issue Date: 03/06/2014) | 7. To ensure that grant recipients comply with state law concerning interest earned on mitigation grant funds, by June 2014, the Butte County benefit committee should establish policies and procedures to verify that grant recipients have placed grant awards in interest-bearing accounts, and that the interest is spent only on activities that mitigate the effect of tribal gaming on local jurisdictions. |
4 | † | • | ||
Central Basin Municipal Water District | ||||||
Central Basin Municipal Water District: Its Board of Directors Has Failed to Provide the Leadership Necessary for It to Effectively Fulfill Its Responsibilities 2015-102 (Issue Date: 12/02/2015) | 23. To ensure it is efficiently using its resources, the district should eliminate its board members' automobile or transportation allowances and instead reimburse them based on their business mileage or transit use. |
2 | July 2019 | |||
Central Unified School District | ||||||
Trade Apprenticeship Programs: The State Needs to Better Oversee Apprenticeship Programs, Such as the Air Conditioning Trade Association's Sheet Metal Program 2016-110 (Issue Date: 11/15/2016) | 6. To limit its risk and to clarify its roles and responsibilities as they relate to ACTA, Central Unified should update its agreement with ACTA to reflect each party's current roles and responsibilities. Further, Central Unified should periodically update this agreement to ensure that the agreement continues to reflect current roles and responsibilities. |
1 | February 2019 | |||
City of Indio | ||||||
City of Indio: Although the City Complied With the Mello-Roos Act in Forming and Managing Community Facilities District No. 2004-3, It Should Do More to Address Inequities 2014-119 (Issue Date: 12/16/2014) | 1. The city of Indio should shift a share of the water facilities cost borne by Terra Lago's Improvement Area Number 1 (Area 1) to Improvement Area Number 2 (Area 2) residents in proportion to the benefits Area 2 residents receive from the facilities. To do so, it should impose through its Indio Water Authority a water fee on Area 2 residents and use the related revenues to reduce the bond debt of Area 1. |
3 | 2024 | |||
City of Irvine | ||||||
City of Irvine: Poor Governance of the $1.7 Million Review of the Orange County Great Park Needlessly Compromised the Review's Credibility 2015-116 (Issue Date: 08/09/2016) | 2. To improve fiscal accountability and to ensure that audits are performed to appropriate standards, Irvine should adopt an internal audit function by December 2017. |
2 | Will Not Implement | |||
6. To make certain that Irvine complies with the intent of competitive bidding for professional services, beginning immediately it should not include provisions in its RFPs for potential future services that are above and beyond the desired scope of work. |
2 | Will Not Implement | ||||
9. To maintain appropriate, transparent fiscal accountability, Irvine should amend city contracting and purchasing policies by December 2016 to make certain that all of its contracts and contract amendments with a proposed cost exceeding the threshold requiring city council or other approval receive the appropriate approvals, including approval for sole-source contracts. Further, city policies should require appropriate approvals when increases in spending authority are accomplished through a purchase order or other means. |
2 | Will Not Implement | ||||
10. To provide the public with adequate information regarding the city council's spending decisions, Irvine's city council should, by December 2016, include in its policies a requirement that motions by the council to appropriate revenue to fund a specific contract should name the recipients and proposed use of the funds. |
2 | Will Not Implement | ||||
11. To foster public confidence in its processes and findings, Irvine should conduct self-initiated investigations, reviews, or audits in an open and transparent manner that ensures independence. Specifically, Irvine should not establish advisory bodies exempt from open meeting laws to oversee these investigations, reviews, or audits. Instead, any required reports from contractors conducting such investigations, reviews, or audits should go to the city council or a standing committee of the city council to be discussed in either open or closed session, as appropriate. |
2 | Will Not Implement | ||||
City of Irwindale | ||||||
City of Irwindale: It Must Exercise More Fiscal Responsibility Over Its Spending So That It Can Continue to Provide Core Services to Residents 2016-111 (Issue Date: 11/29/2016) | 1. To address the structural deficit in its general fund, the city should seek long-term solutions to balance its budget so that its expenditures do not exceed its revenues. These solutions should include eliminating the reliance on one-time gains to fund ongoing expenses and identifying opportunities to further reduce spending. The city should document its approach in a long-term financial plan that should account for the following: a forecast of at least five to 10 years into the future, updates to long-term planning activities as needed to provide direction to the budget process, and an analysis of its financial status; revenue and expenditure forecasts; and plan-monitoring mechanisms, such as a scorecard of key indicators of financial health. |
1 | February 2019 | |||
2. To ensure that employee compensation aligns with job statements, the city should review its salary incentives and modify the eligibility criteria so that they match the job requirements. |
1 | † | • | |||
3. Considering that the city's retirement benefits are more generous than those of most comparable cities, and in light of its financial situation, the city should reduce its employee benefits costs by negotiating with employee bargaining groups and key management employees for the elimination of further city contributions to the Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS) supplemental benefit plan or at least and increase in participant contributions to cover the full employee share of the plan's costs, recognizing that under California case law the city may not destroy vested pension rights legislatively. |
1 | Partially Implemented | ||||
4. To minimize the use of its reserves to reduce long-term liabilities, the city should annually determine whether it has sufficient funding to cash out employee leave balances. Additionally, in future labor negotiations, the city should explore the possibility of eliminating or reducing voluntary leave balance cash-outs by employees, and eliminate sick leave cash-outs altogether. |
1 | Partially Implemented | ||||
6. To reduce costs, the city should consider eliminating its current resident prescription drug benefit program and replacing it with the prescription discount card program offered by the League of California Cities that would provide discounts on prescriptions to residents at no cost to the city. |
1 | Will Not Implement | ||||
7. If the city chooses not to participate in the prescription discount card program offered by the League of California Cities, it should at least take the following step related to its current prescription drug benefit program: Align its prescription drug benefit program with its established purpose--to treat conditions proven to be caused or worsened by the city's mining activities--and limit the availability of benefits to only those medications approved for the treatment of such conditions. |
1 | Will Not Implement | ||||
8. If the city chooses not to participate in the prescription discount card program offered by the League of California Cities, it should at least reduce the cost of its current prescription drug benefit program by enacting limits--similar to those in its resident vision benefits--on the number or dollar amount of prescriptions an individual can receive each year. |
1 | Will Not Implement | ||||
9. To reduce the costs of its resident prescription drug benefit program, the city council should follow the recommendations of its consultant by approving the following: align copayments by increasing those paid by residents 50 years of age and older to the same level as those paid by residents who are 49 years or younger. |
1 | Will Not Implement | ||||
10. To reduce the costs of its resident prescription drug benefit program, the city council should follow the recommendations of its consultant by approving the following: implement coordination of benefits provisions, where applicable, to designate the city as a secondary payer to residents' primary insurance coverage. |
1 | Will Not Implement | ||||
11. To eliminate the need for police officer overtime, the city should evaluate the possibility of contracting for police services with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department or another law enforcement agency as an alternative to operating its own police department. |
1 | Will Not Implement | ||||
13. While the city is considering recommendation #11, and if it should choose not to contract for police services, it should promote public safety and equity among its police officers by implementing a rotational order for scheduled overtime to prevent some officers from working excessive shifts. |
1 | Will Not Implement | ||||
14. To help ensure that it receives the best value for contracts it exempts from competitive bidding, the city should revise its purchasing policy to require its staff to perform a price analysis and prepare a cost justification form and place the document in each contract file as evidence that the contract price is fair and reasonable. |
1 | November 2018 | ||||
15. To help ensure that it receives good-quality services, the city should monitor all spending for contracted services. The city should also require its staff to perform post-contract evaluations of professional services contracts, particularly for those continuing services contracts it exempts from competitive bidding. |
1 | November 2018 | ||||
16. The Housing Authority should consider options to provide low-income housing opportunities to more people. Additionally, if the Housing Authority intends to continue providing low-income housing opportunities in the future, the city should examine the available funding mechanisms to continue providing low-income housing before it exhausts its Housing Authority Fund balance. |
1 | Will Not Implement | ||||
17. To ensure that all residents have an equal chance to participate in the Housing Authority's housing programs, the city should remove the long-term residency priorities from any future housing programs. |
1 | Unknown | ||||
City of Novato | ||||||
Residential Building Records: The Cities of San Rafael, Novato, and Pasadena Need to Strengthen the Implementation of Their Resale Record Programs 2015-134 (Issue Date: 03/24/2016) | 2. To ensure that it is aware of the degree of property owners' compliance with its resale record ordinance, Novato should implement procedures that can help it monitor the sale or exchange of properties that require resale record inspections. The city should work with applicable stakeholders, such as realtors, to aid in this effort. |
2 | Will Not Implement | |||
5. To verify that new property owners are aware of the health and safety concerns at their properties and any corrections they need to make, Novato should develop a process to ensure that it receives homeowners' cards. |
2 | Will Not Implement | ||||
34. To ensure that the resale record fees it charges is appropriate, Novato should establish a time frame to periodically determine whether the fees are commensurate with the cost of administering the resale record program. The city should ensure that it retains any documentation used to support its analyses and any subsequent adjustments to fees. |
2 | Will Not Implement | ||||
City of Pasadena | ||||||
Residential Building Records: The Cities of San Rafael, Novato, and Pasadena Need to Strengthen the Implementation of Their Resale Record Programs 2015-134 (Issue Date: 03/24/2016) | 3. To ensure that it is aware of the degree of property owners' compliance with its resale record ordinance, Pasadena should implement procedures that can help it monitor the sale or exchange of properties that require resale record inspections. The city should work with applicable stakeholders, such as realtors, to aid in this effort. |
2 | January 2019 | |||
6. To verify that new property owners are aware of the health and safety concerns at their properties and any corrections they need to make, Pasadena should develop a process to ensure that staff sign the inspection certificates and add them to the city's database. |
2 | January 2019 | ||||
9. To ensure that it can monitor the satisfaction individuals have with the resale record program and that it has a uniform approach for resolving complaints, Pasadena should develop a formal process for tracking the complaints it receives. In addition, Pasadena should develop a formal policy that describes how staff should evaluate complaints, and it should document its activities associated with resolving complaints, such as the resolution and the rationale for the resolution. The city should also establish a designated location in its database to record this information. |
2 | January 2019 | ||||
12. Pasadena should develop formal written procedures for staff to follow up on property owners' correction of violations. These procedures should identify the method in which staff document in the database the violations identified during inspections and their actions to bring the property into compliance. In addition, the procedures should identify where within the database these documents should be kept as well as identify the protocol for ensuring that repeat violations are corrected in a timely manner. |
2 | January 2019 | ||||
16. To ensure that property owners correct violations in a timely manner, Pasadena should develop a work plan by July 2016 to identify and address its enforcement backlog by April 2017 so that the city is up to date with its enforcement actions, such as issuing notice letters and monitoring property owners' actions to resolve violations. Pasadena's work plan should also include updating the completion status of the violations so unresolved violations can be identified and monitored for subsequent correction. |
2 | January 2019 | ||||
19. To ensure that property owners correct violations in a timely manner, Pasadena should follow through with its enforcement policies, such as issuing notice letters. |
2 | January 2019 | ||||
22. To ensure that property owners correct violations in a timely manner, Pasadena should establish a written process for staff to monitor and ensure that property owners correct violations, including accurately identifying the properties that have not obtained necessary permits or have not had required reinspections performed. |
2 | January 2019 | ||||
25. To ensure that it conducts its resale record inspections and completes the reports in a timely manner, Pasadena should establish a process to monitor its ability to meet its established time goals from application date to report issuance, such as developing a reminder report or using an automated feature of its database. Pasadena should also document the date the report is issued on the resale record report and in its database. |
2 | January 2019 | ||||
27. To ensure that it conducts its resale record inspections and completes the reports in a timely manner, Pasadena should review its time goals by July 2016 for the resale record program and modify them if necessary, factoring in property owners' expectations and staff resources to complete the resale record reports. If applicable, Pasadena should update its policies and procedures to reflect the revised time goals. |
2 | January 2019 | ||||
30. To ensure that it conducts its resale record inspections and completes the reports in a timely manner, Pasadena should establish a method to identify those inspections that have inspection dates requested by property owners. |
2 | January 2019 | ||||
32. To ensure that the resale record fees it charges is appropriate, Pasadena should finalize its formal fee study by April 2016. |
2 | January 2019 | ||||
35. To ensure that the resale record fees it charges is appropriate, Pasadena should establish a time frame to periodically determine whether the fees are commensurate with the cost of administering the resale record program. The city should ensure that it retains any documentation used to support its analyses and any subsequent adjustments to fees. |
2 | January 2019 | ||||
38. To ensure that it can demonstrate that its resale record inspectors are qualified, Pasadena should develop a process to maintain continuing education attendance records. The city should ensure that staff receive periodic continuing education through internal and external sources to keep them current on code requirements, especially when the requirements are updated. |
2 | January 2019 | ||||
40. If Pasadena subsequently requires its resale record inspectors to have International Code Council certifications, it should ensure that those staff maintain them in good standing to perform their necessary job functions. |
2 | January 2019 | ||||
Coachella Valley Unified School District | ||||||
College Readiness of California's High School Students: The State Can Better Prepare Students for College by Adopting New Strategies and Increasing Oversight 2016-114 (Issue Date: 02/28/2017) | 3. To increase students' access to and completion rates of college preparatory coursework, districts should develop and institute an on track/off track student identification model similar to San Francisco's model that will allow them to determine whether students are completing grade-level college preparatory coursework. The districts should notify parents when they identify students as falling off track and should advise the parents and students of available support and credit recovery options. Furthermore, school staff should be required to meet with and document the support they provide to these students. |
1 | Unknown | |||
5. To increase students' access to and completion rates of college preparatory coursework, districts should create a robust and stable network of credit recovery options that reflect the needs of their student populations. These options—which the districts should monitor for effectiveness—should include summer school courses and evening courses. |
1 | May 2018 | ||||
7. To increase students' access to and completion rates of college preparatory coursework, districts should create and institute a centralized process for submitting, managing, and tracking college preparatory courses and certification requests. This process should maximize the number of certified courses that the district offers. Further, to ensure that students receive appropriate credit for their college preparatory coursework, this process should match the UC's course listings with each school's master schedule of courses. |
1 | Unknown | ||||
County of Alameda | ||||||
Dually Involved Youth: The State Cannot Determine the Effectiveness of Efforts to Serve Youth Who Are Involved in Both the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems 2015-115 (Issue Date: 02/25/2016) | 9. Alameda County probation department should update its existing procedures to ensure that its staff are accurately recording family reunification service components within the statewide case management system. |
2 | Unknown | |||
11. To identify their population of dually involved youth, Alameda County's CWS and probation agencies should designate the data system they will use for tracking the dates and results of joint assessment hearings. |
2 | Unknown | ||||
17. To identify their population of dually involved youth, Alameda County's Child Welfare Service's (CWS) and probation agencies should provide guidance or training to staff on recording joint assessment hearing information consistently within the designated system. |
2 | Unknown | ||||
County of Fresno | ||||||
Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund: The Method Used to Mitigate Casino Impacts Has Changed, and Two Counties' Benefit Committees Did Not Ensure Compliance With State Law When Awarding Grants 2016-036 (Issue Date: 03/07/2017) | 1. If the Legislature appropriates funding from the distribution fund for mitigation grants in the future, to comply with state law, the benefit committee for Fresno County should ensure that it obtains sufficient documentation from grant applicants to demonstrate that the requested funding represents the correct proportionate share of the costs attributable to casino impacts. |
1 | June 2019 | |||
2. If the Legislature appropriates funding from the distribution fund for mitigation grants in future years, Fresno County's benefit committee should revise its procedures to include specific steps to verify that grantees will place grant funds into interest-bearing accounts when awarding any mitigation grants. These steps should include requiring grantees to report the interest accrued in their quarterly reports and to substantiate those reports with bank statements or other reports of interest earned, and following up with the grantee when the grantee reports no earned interest for the period. |
1 | June 2019 | ||||
County of Los Angeles | ||||||
County Pay Practices: Although the Counties We Visited Have Rules in Place to Ensure Fairness, Data Show That a Gender Wage Gap Still Exists 2015-132 (Issue Date: 05/31/2016) | 7. To ensure that they consistently demonstrate that candidates are hired for permanent civil service positions based on valid and job-related criteria, regardless of their sex, each county should develop policies requiring hiring managers to document the reasons why they chose the selected candidate over others from the certified eligibility list. |
2 | Will Not Implement | |||
Los Angeles County: Lacking a Comprehensive Assessment of Its Trauma System, It Cannot Demonstrate That It Has Used Measure B Funds to Address the Most Pressing Trauma Needs 2013-116 (Issue Date: 02/20/2014) | 1. To determine whether its trauma system is appropriately designed and serving the needs of residents in underserved areas and the needs of the most at-risk populations, the board should use Measure B funds to engage the College of Surgeons by July 2014 to perform a comprehensive assessment of the trauma system and then make the results available to the public. To the extent the assessment identifies weaknesses in the trauma system, the board should develop strategies to address those weaknesses where feasible. Specifically, the board should ask the College of Surgeons to assist the board in better defining and identifying underserved areas in Los Angeles. |
4 | Will Not Implement | |||
2. To determine whether its trauma system is appropriately designed and serving the needs of residents in underserved areas and the needs of the most at-risk populations, the board should use Measure B funds to engage the College of Surgeons by July 2014 to perform a comprehensive assessment of the trauma system and then make the results available to the public. To the extent the assessment identifies weaknesses in the trauma system, the board should develop strategies to address those weaknesses where feasible. Specifically, the board should ask the College of Surgeons to review Measure B allocations to ensure that they are addressing the most pressing needs of at-risk populations in Los Angeles. |
4 | Will Not Implement | ||||
3. To determine whether its trauma system is appropriately designed and serving the needs of residents in underserved areas and the needs of the most at-risk populations, the board should use Measure B funds to engage the College of Surgeons by July 2014 to perform a comprehensive assessment of the trauma system and then make the results available to the public. To the extent the assessment identifies weaknesses in the trauma system, the board should develop strategies to address those weaknesses where feasible. Specifically, the board should ask the College of Surgeons to assess the adequacy of helicopter services it provides in underserved areas. |
4 | Will Not Implement | ||||
4. To determine whether its trauma system is appropriately designed and serving the needs of residents in underserved areas and the needs of the most at-risk populations, the board should use Measure B funds to engage the College of Surgeons by July 2014 to perform a comprehensive assessment of the trauma system and then make the results available to the public. To the extent the assessment identifies weaknesses in the trauma system, the board should develop strategies to address those weaknesses where feasible. Specifically, the board should ask the College of Surgeons to analyze how Los Angeles' Emergency Medical Services (EMS) might better use the data it collects to evaluate, improve, and report continuously on its trauma system. |
4 | Will Not Implement | ||||
5. To ensure that it allocates Measure B funds to address the most significant needs of residents within its trauma system, the board should reinstate a Measure B oversight committee, with participation from departments with trauma, EMS, and bioterrorism preparedness expertise, as well as representatives of the public. The oversight committee should review trauma system and other county needs annually and advise the board on Measure B expenditures. As part of its responsibilities, the oversight committee should reevaluate the Measure B allocation approach, taking into consideration the results of Los Angeles's comprehensive assessment and the effects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Act), and issue a report on its findings no later than December 2015. |
4 | Partially Implemented | ||||
Los Angeles County: Weak Oversight of Its Lease With the Los Angeles County Fair Association Has Likely Cost Millions of Dollars in Revenue 2016-106 (Issue Date: 11/10/2016) | 1. By April 2017, the county should reach agreement with the association on the date by which the association must pay the county for the rent in arrears related to the hotel. |
1 | TBD | |||
2. By April 2017, the county should reach agreement with the association on how much rent the association owes the county from the hotel's operations since 1992. |
1 | TBD | ||||
3. As soon as possible, the county should collect from the association all amounts presently owed under the lease as a result of the revenue generated by the conference center. |
1 | TBD | ||||
4. To ensure that it recognizes and addresses in a timely manner areas of potential concern related to the association's rent, the county should create and adhere to a policy of reviewing the association's rent calculations at least every three years. |
1 | TBD | ||||
5. To protect its interests and maximize its future revenue, the county should strongly consider ensuring that any potential amendment to the lease includes a revised rent calculation formula that factors in revenue from all of the association's activities, including its hotel and conference center, as well as revenue from its subsidiaries' activities at the Fairplex. This revised rent calculation formula should require the association either to pay the county an agreed-upon fixed amount, adjusted periodically for inflation, or to pay the county both a fixed amount every year and a percentage of the total gross revenue that the association earns at the Fairplex. |
1 | TBD | ||||
6. To protect its interests and maximize its future revenue, the county should strongly consider ensuring that any potential amendment to the lease includes terms that define the circumstances or dates that require a renegotiation of the lease and the rent calculation formula. |
1 | TBD | ||||
7. To protect its interests and maximize its future revenue, the county should strongly consider ensuring that any potential amendment to the lease includes an agreement on the types of entities whose gross revenues the association must include in rent calculations. This agreement should cover any new businesses the association creates that operate at the Fairplex. |
1 | TBD | ||||
8. To protect its interests and maximize its future revenue, the county should strongly consider ensuring that any potential amendment to the lease includes terms that require the association to provide the county with any subleases it wishes to enter, even those subleases that do not exceed 10 years. The terms should also require the association to provide the county with approval over other agreements that could affect the rent calculation, including the association's hotel management agreement and its amendments. |
1 | TBD | ||||
9. To protect its interests and maximize its future revenue, the county should strongly consider ensuring that any potential amendment to the lease includes terms that require the association to provide the county with advance notice of any refinancing of the association's debt and what impact, if any, such transactions would have on the amount or timing of rent payments to the county. |
1 | TBD | ||||
County of San Diego | ||||||
Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund: Counties' Benefit Committees Did Not Always Comply With State Laws for Distribution Fund Grants 2013-036 (Issue Date: 03/06/2014) | 10. If San Diego County's benefit committee believes that its processes for distributing grant funds are vital to its effective management of distribution fund grants, it should seek legislative authority to change its process. Otherwise, San Diego County's benefit committee should refrain from placing limits on the time available for grant recipients to spend the grant funds. |
4 | † | • | ||
Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund: The Method Used to Mitigate Casino Impacts Has Changed, and Two Counties' Benefit Committees Did Not Ensure Compliance With State Law When Awarding Grants 2016-036 (Issue Date: 03/07/2017) | 4. If the Legislature appropriates funding from the distribution fund for mitigation grants in the future, to comply with state law, the benefit committee for San Diego County should ensure that it obtains sufficient documentation from grant applicants to demonstrate that the requested funding represents the correct proportionate share of the costs attributable to casino impacts. |
1 | † | • | ||
County of Santa Clara | ||||||
Dually Involved Youth: The State Cannot Determine the Effectiveness of Efforts to Serve Youth Who Are Involved in Both the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems 2015-115 (Issue Date: 02/25/2016) | 16. To identify their population of dually involved youth, Santa Clara County's CWS and probation agencies should designate the data system they will use for tracking the dates and results of joint assessment hearings. |
2 | Will Not Implement | |||
22. To identify their population of dually involved youth, Santa Clara County's CWS and probation agencies should provide guidance or training to staff on recording joint assessment hearing information consistently within the designated system. |
2 | Will Not Implement | ||||
East Side Union High School District | ||||||
Student Mental Health Services: Some Students' Services Were Affected by a New State Law, and the State Needs to Analyze Student Outcomes and Track Service Costs 2015-112 (Issue Date: 01/19/2016) | 17. To better understand the effectiveness of the mental health services in its special education program, East Side Union High School District should use the six performance indicators we identified to perform analysis annually on the subset of students receiving mental health services. |
2 | † | • | • | |
Hesperia Water District | ||||||
Apple Valley Area Water Rates: Differences in Costs Affect Water Utilities' Rates, and One Utility May Have Spent Millions of Ratepayer Funds Inappropriately 2014-132 (Issue Date: 04/30/2015) | 1. To assist low-income water customers, Hesperia should work with its governing body to consider the feasibility of using revenues from sources other than water rates to implement a rate assistance program. |
3 | Will Not Implement | |||
Long Beach Unified School District | ||||||
Student Mental Health Services: Some Students' Services Were Affected by a New State Law, and the State Needs to Analyze Student Outcomes and Track Service Costs 2015-112 (Issue Date: 01/19/2016) | 4. To better communicate with parents and future individualized education programs (IEP) teams about reasons for any changes to student services, including changes to mental health services and student placements, Long Beach should develop a process to ensure that IEP teams record these reasons in student IEP documents. |
2 | † | • | ||
10. To ensure that it complies with federal and state requirements, Long Beach should develop a process to ensure that IEP teams record, in student IEP documents, the rationale for residential treatment and any potential harmful effects of such placement. |
2 | † | • | |||
14. To better understand the effectiveness of the mental health services in its special education program, Long Beach should use the six performance indicators we identified to perform analysis annually on the subset of students receiving mental health services. |
2 | † | • | • | ||
Los Angeles Department of Water & Power | ||||||
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power - Consequences Linked to Its Premature Launch of Its Customer Information System May Push Total Costs Beyond $200 Million 2014-105 (Issue Date: 03/10/2015) | 1. To ensure that the Los Angeles Board of Water and Power Commissioners (board) can more effectively exercise oversight for the department's significant information technology projects, the board should establish a standing committee comprised of board members to oversee and critically evaluate the status of the department's various information technology projects. Given the limited tenure of board members and the potential for multiyear and high-cost information technology projects, the board president should consider appointing as many committee members as practicable in order to promote continuity of oversight. |
3 | 2020 | |||
2. To ensure that the board can more effectively exercise oversight for the department's significant information technology projects, the board should develop reporting standards for the department's management to follow when discussing the status of information technology projects with the standing committee or the board. Such reporting standards should, at a minimum, specify the frequency with which the department's management makes such reports and require the following disclosures about each information technology project:
3 | 2020 | ||||
3. To ensure that the board can more effectively exercise oversight for the department's significant information technology projects, the board should develop a process for the board to designate certain information technology projects as having a potentially significant effect on business operations or customer relations, and require that department managers first obtain the board's approval before launching such critical new systems. |
3 | 2020 | ||||
Los Angeles Police Department | ||||||
The CalGang Criminal Intelligence System: As the Result of Its Weak Oversight Structure, It Contains Questionable Information That May Violate Individuals' Privacy Rights 2015-130 (Issue Date: 08/11/2016) | 23. Until the Los Angeles Police Department receives further direction from the board, the committee, or Justice, it should address the specific deficiencies we found by reviewing the gangs it has entered into CalGang to ensure the gangs meet reasonable suspicion requirements. It should also begin reviewing the gang members it has entered into CalGang to ensure the existence of proper support for each criterion. It should purge from CalGang any records for gangs or gang members that do not meet the criteria for entry. Individuals who are independent from the ongoing administration and use of CalGang should lead this review. The agency should complete the gang and gang member reviews in phases, with the final phase for gangs to be completed by June 30, 2018, and the final phase for gang members to be completed by June 30, 2019. |
2 | † | • | • | |
New Jerusalem Elementary School District | ||||||
Charter Schools: Some School Districts Improperly Authorized and Inadequately Monitored Out‑of‑District Charter Schools 2016-141 (Issue Date: 10/17/2017) | 44. To better ensure effective oversight of its charter schools' finances, New Jerusalem should place a district representative as a nonvoting member on each charter school's governing board. |
1 | No Action Taken | |||
48. To ensure that charter schools work toward the academic goals established in their charters, New Jerusalem should provide its charter schools with annual oversight reports on their academic performance. |
1 | † | • | |||
Quartz Hill Water District | ||||||
Antelope Valley Water Rates: Various Factors Contribute to Differences Among Water Utilities 2013-126 (Issue Date: 07/08/2014) | 13. To assist low-income water customers, Quartz Hill Water District should work with its governing body to consider the feasibility of using revenues from sources other than water rates to implement rate assistance programs for low-income water customers. |
4 | Will Not Implement | |||
San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools | ||||||
School Violence Prevention: School Districts, County Offices of Education, and the State Must Do More to Ensure That School Safety Plans Help Protect Students and Staff During Emergencies 2016-136 (Issue Date: 08/31/2017) | 12. To ensure that their schools' safety plans comply with state law and are submitted and approved on or before March 1 each year, the Kern, Placer, and San Bernardino county offices, and San Bernardino City Unified should implement procedures to monitor and approve their schools' safety plans. The procedures should include the use of electronic document-tracking systems and safety plan templates. |
1 | Unknown | |||
San Francisco Unified School District | ||||||
California Department of Education: It Has Not Ensured That School Food Authorities Comply With the Federal Buy American Requirement 2016-139 (Issue Date: 07/27/2017) | 10. To help ensure that they consistently comply with the Buy American requirement, San Francisco should establish written policies and procedures related to the Buy American requirement by October 1, 2017. At a minimum, those policies and procedures should include the following:
1 | Unknown | |||
San Juan Unified School District | ||||||
School Library Services: Vague State Laws and a Lack of Monitoring Allow School Districts to Provide a Minimal Level of Library Services 2016-112 (Issue Date: 11/17/2016) | 7. To strengthen its library programs and help the State assess the condition of school libraries statewide, San Juan Unified should ensure that teacher librarians are involved in the selection of library materials at each school. |
1 | Unknown | |||
9. To strengthen its library programs and help the State assess the condition of school libraries statewide, San Juan Unified should use the model standards to assess the needs of its school library programs and address any identified needs during its local control accountability plans (LCAP) process. |
1 | Unknown | ||||
Santa Ana Police Department | ||||||
The CalGang Criminal Intelligence System: As the Result of Its Weak Oversight Structure, It Contains Questionable Information That May Violate Individuals' Privacy Rights 2015-130 (Issue Date: 08/11/2016) | 25. Until the Santa Ana Police Department receives further direction from the board, the committee, or Justice, it should address the specific deficiencies we found by reviewing the gangs it has entered into CalGang to ensure the gangs meet reasonable suspicion requirements. It should also begin reviewing the gang members it has entered into CalGang to ensure the existence of proper support for each criterion. It should purge from CalGang any records for gangs or gang members that do not meet the criteria for entry. Individuals who are independent from the ongoing administration and use of CalGang should lead this review. The agency should complete the gang and gang member reviews in phases, with the final phase for gangs to be completed by June 30, 2018, and the final phase for gang members to be completed by June 30, 2019. |
2 | June 2019 | |||
Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters | ||||||
Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters: Insufficient Policies and Procedures Have Led to Errors That May Have Reduced Voters' Confidence in the Registrar's Office 2017-107 (Issue Date: 10/24/2017) | 3. To reduce errors and potentially its workload, Santa Clara should research by January 2018 its opportunities to integrate mapping software with its election management software, and Santa Clara should implement this integration of mapping software technology by June 2018. |
1 | Approximately March 2019 | |||
6. To ensure accuracy and consistency in the creation, review, and distribution of election-related materials, Santa Clara should review and document in detail all policies and procedures by October 2018, prioritizing its documentation for the divisions that are responsible for the most frequent and egregious election-related errors. Specifically, Santa Clara should review and formalize Mapping policies and procedures by January 2018, to allow time for implementation before the June primary election process. By October 2018, Santa Clara should review and formalize policies and procedures for the remaining divisions--including Ballot Layout, Candidate Services, and Vote by Mail--to provide adequate time for implementation before the November general election process. |
1 | 2019 | ||||
7. To reduce the risk of staff errors, inconsistencies in procedures, and the loss of institutional knowledge in the creation, review, and distribution of election-related materials, Santa Clara should develop and implement training for its staff that includes instructions on its comprehensive policies and procedures. The development of this training should take place concurrently with Santa Clara's detailed documentation of its policies and procedures, and Santa Clara should require relevant staff to attend this training before each major election. |
1 | † | • | • | ||
Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office | ||||||
The CalGang Criminal Intelligence System: As the Result of Its Weak Oversight Structure, It Contains Questionable Information That May Violate Individuals' Privacy Rights 2015-130 (Issue Date: 08/11/2016) | 27. Until Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office receives further direction from the board, the committee, or Justice, it should address the specific deficiencies we found by reviewing the gangs it has entered into CalGang to ensure the gangs meet reasonable suspicion requirements. It should also begin reviewing the gang members it has entered into CalGang to ensure the existence of proper support for each criterion. It should purge from CalGang any records for gangs or gang members that do not meet the criteria for entry. Individuals who are independent from the ongoing administration and use of CalGang should lead this review. The agency should complete the gang and gang member reviews in phases, with the final phase for gangs to be completed by June 30, 2018, and the final phase for gang members to be completed by June 30, 2019. |
2 | June 2019 | |||
28. Until Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office receives further direction from the board, the committee, or Justice, it should address the specific deficiencies we found by developing or modifying as necessary all its policies and procedures related to CalGang to ensure they align with state law, CalGang policy, the federal regulations, and the state guidelines. In particular, the agency should implement appropriate policies and procedures for entering gangs, performing supervisory reviews of gang and gang member entries, performing periodic CalGang record reviews, sharing CalGang information, and complying with juvenile notification requirements. The agency should complete this recommendation by March 31, 2017. |
2 | March 2019 | ||||
Stockton Unified School District | ||||||
California Department of Education: It Has Not Ensured That School Food Authorities Comply With the Federal Buy American Requirement 2016-139 (Issue Date: 07/27/2017) | 11. To help ensure that they consistently comply with the Buy American requirement, Stockton should establish written policies and procedures related to the Buy American requirement by October 1, 2017. At a minimum, those policies and procedures should include the following:
1 | † | • | ||
Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo | ||||||
Judicial Branch Procurement: The Five Superior Courts We Reviewed Mostly Adhered to Required and Recommended Practices, but Some Improvements Are Needed 2016-301 (Issue Date: 11/16/2016) | 13. To ensure that it properly authorizes payments and purchases only allowable items, the San Mateo court should process payments in accordance with the requirements and recommended practices of the Judicial Council and the State. Specifically, the San Mateo court should amend its bottled water service contract to ensure that water is purchased for use by jurors and court room staff only. |
1 | † | • | ||
Victorville Water District | ||||||
Apple Valley Area Water Rates: Differences in Costs Affect Water Utilities' Rates, and One Utility May Have Spent Millions of Ratepayer Funds Inappropriately 2014-132 (Issue Date: 04/30/2015) | 2. To assist low-income water customers, Victorville should work with its governing body to consider the feasibility of using revenues from sources other than water rates to implement a rate assistance program. |
3 | Will Not Implement | |||
6. To demonstrate to water customers how they are working to keep rates reasonable, the four water utilities should document their cost-saving efforts and quantify, to the extent possible, any specific cost savings achieved from their respective efforts. |
3 | Will Not Implement | ||||
7. To ensure that it does not use revenues from ratepayers for inappropriate purposes, by October 2015, Victorville should revise its policies to prohibit transfers or loans of water fee revenue for nonwater district purposes. Victorville should also revise its investment policy that specifies the circumstances under which it can invest water revenues—setting prudent limits on its investment in assets that the Victorville city council manages. |
3 | Will Not Implement | ||||
8. To address the excess interest expense resulting from loans to the city of Victorville and the building of the wastewater plant, Victorville should seek reimbursement from the city for its unrecovered costs. Victorville should work with the city to prepare and submit to the water district board and the Victorville city council by October 2015 a formal repayment plan including specific dates and payments to be made to ensure that the water district and its ratepayers are made whole. When the water district board approves such a plan, it should take steps to ensure compliance with the repayment plan. |
3 | Will Not Implement |
† Contrary to the California State Auditor's determination, the auditee believes it has fully implemented the recommendation.