Report 2012-032 Recommendations and Responses in 2015-041

Report 2012-032: California's Postsecondary Educational Institutions: Some Institutions Have Not Fully Complied With Federal Crime Reporting Requirements

Department Number of Years Reported As Not Fully Implemented Total Recommendations to Department Not Implemented After One Year Not Implemented as of 2014-041 Response Not Implemented as of Most Recent Response
Laney College 3 4 4 2 0

Recommendation To: Laney College

To ensure that they comply with the Clery Act by correctly reporting all applicable crimes and disclosing all required campus security policies, institutions should review and adhere to applicable guidance related to the Clery Act, including Education's Office of Postsecondary Education's (OPE) Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting (OPE handbook) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Reporting Handbook.


The Peralta District Vice Chancellor of General Services has responsibility for the Peralta Police and district wide oversight of compliance for the Clery Act. Under the Vice Chancellor's authority, the Alameda County Sheriffs provide Peralta Community College District Police Services and serve as the campus security authority on the Laney College campus. Designated police staff and other district staff completed the following activities on or before October, 2015:

1. The Annual Crime Statistics for Laney College were filed on October 12, 2015 with the Department of Education and the data can be found on their website and at the following Peralta District web address:

2. The Office of the Chancellor is responsible for all district wide policies and procedures while the Vice Chancellor of General Services informs all security policies in consultation with college representatives. Security policies and procedures were updated and compliant with Clery Act requirements as of September 2015 and can be found at the following web address:

3. Peralta Police completed periodic reviews of the Clery Act updates prior to maintaining daily log of crimes, creating the annual crime statistics and submitting the Annual Crime Statistics Report to the Department of Education website in October 2015.

4. Peralta Police assigned staff completed attendance at the annual training on the proper implementation of the Clery Act and related changes or updates.

Recommendation To: Laney College

To ensure that they comply with the Clery Act by correctly reporting all applicable crimes and disclosing all required campus security policies, institutions should thoroughly review the Clery Act crime statistics and security policy disclosures in their annual security reports for accuracy before publication.


Under supervision by the Peralta District Vice Chancellor of General Services and in coordination with assigned representatives from each Peralta College, the Annual Security Report is reviewed in compliance with the Clery Act before it is distributed to students and staff. Under the supervision of the Vice Chancellor of General Services, Peralta Police services completed implementation of the following steps to ensure correct reporting of crime statistics in the Annual Security Report and in compliance with the Clery Act.

1. The Annual Crime Statistics for Laney College were filed on October 12, 2015 with the Department of Education and the data can be found on their website and at the following Peralta District web address:

2. The Office of the Chancellor is responsible for all district wide policies and procedures while the Vice Chancellor of General Services informs all security policies in consultation with college representatives. Security policies and procedures were updated and compliant with Clery Act requirements as of September 2015 and can be found at the following web address:

3. The Annual Security Report is produced by District General Services on behalf of all Peralta District Colleges. The report contains both college specific crime statistics and district wide policies, and administrative procedures, practices, programs and referral services required by the Department of Education in accordance with the Clery Act. The Annual Security Report can be found on the Peralta District website at the following web address:

4. The Annual Security Report was distributed to Peralta District registered students and active employees on September 9, 2015 and September 4, 2015, respectively.

Current Status of Recommendations

All Recommendations in 2015-041