Report 2011-119 Recommendations and Responses in 2015-041

Report 2011-119: Physical Therapy Board of California: Although It Can Make Improvements, It Generally Processes Complaints and Monitors Conflict-of-Interest Requirements Appropriately

Department Number of Years Reported As Not Fully Implemented Total Recommendations to Department Not Implemented After One Year Not Implemented as of 2014-041 Response Not Implemented as of Most Recent Response
Physical Therapy Board 3 4 2 2 1

Recommendation To: Physical Therapy Board

The physical therapy board should explore the feasibility of establishing a state position to perform the duties of its current in-house consultant at a reduced cost.


The Physical Therapy Board staff met with the Department of Consumer Affairs' Human Resources Office (OHR) to discuss the feasibility of the Auditor's proposal. As a result, the Board was advised this proposal is not feasible for a number of reasons that are further explained in the attached documents supplied to the auditor.

After exploring the feasibility, the Board and DCA OHR agree that the proposal to establish the Physical Therapy Consultant as a civil service employee is not a feasible course of action, nor practical expenditure of resources. Therefore, the Board is requesting this matter be concluded.

Recommendation To: Physical Therapy Board

Consumer Affairs should establish procedures for ensuring that board members attend board member orientation and that those individuals and other designated employees receive all required ethics training. In addition, Consumer Affairs should adhere to the record retention period of five years specified by law for the certificates documenting that designated employees received ethics training.


The Department has established procedures and an internal Board Member database to record and track the trainings and forms Board Members are required by law to complete, including Board Member Orientation Training, Ethics Training, Sexual Harassment Prevention Training and the Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests. The Department has always tracked Board Member training, however, the data was housed in multiple divisions within the Department. The Board Member database is now the single repository for this data, allowing the Department to proactively audit and notify Board Members when training is due, as well as adhere to the record retention requirement of five years.

Board Members are required to take an ethics training course within the first six months of their appointment and repeat the training every two years throughout their term. The Board Member database was completed in July 2014. Department staff have initiated outreach to Board Members out of compliance, as well as those coming due for training.

The Deputy Director for Board and Bureau Relations continues to regularly communicate with Bureau Chiefs, Executive Officers and Board Members about the mandatory training requirements and when the trainings/webcasts are available. The Department also has an attorney designated as the Ethics Officer available to Board Members and designated employees when they have questions.

Current Status of Recommendations

All Recommendations in 2015-041