Report 2012-032 Recommendations and Responses in 2014-041
Report 2012-032: California's Postsecondary Educational Institutions: Some Institutions Have Not Fully Complied With Federal Crime Reporting Requirements
Department | Number of Years Reported As Not Fully Implemented | Total Recommendations to Department | Not Implemented After One Year | Not Implemented as of 2013-041 Response | Not Implemented as of Most Recent Response |
Laney College | 2 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 |
University of the Pacific | 2 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 0 |
Recommendation To: University of the Pacific
To ensure that they comply with the Clery Act by correctly reporting all applicable crimes and disclosing all required campus security policies, institutions should review and adhere to applicable guidance related to the Clery Act, including Education's Office of Postsecondary Education's (OPE) Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting (OPE handbook) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Reporting Handbook.
The Annual Clery Report is in compliance and all crimes are accurate and applicable crimes and disclosing all required campus security policies, institutions should review and adhere to applicable guidance related to the Clery Act. These can be viewed at the URL listed below.
- California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented
- Completion Date: January 2014
- Response Date: October 2014
Recommendation To: University of the Pacific
To ensure that they comply with the Clery Act by correctly reporting all applicable crimes and disclosing all required campus security policies, institutions should thoroughly review the Clery Act crime statistics and security policy disclosures in their annual security reports for accuracy before publication.
The Annual Clery Report is in compliance and all crimes are accurate and applicable crimes and disclosing all required campus security policies, institutions should review and adhere to applicable guidance related to the Clery Act. These can be viewed at the URL listed below.
- California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented
- Completion Date: January 2014
- Response Date: October 2014
Recommendation To: University of the Pacific
Institutions should ensure that they properly notify both current and prospective students and employees of the availability of their annual security reports in the manner prescribed by the Clery Act.
The University has properly notify both current and prospective students and employees of the availability of their annual security reports in the manner prescribed by the Clery Act.
The Annual Clery Report is in compliance and all crimes are accurate and applicable crimes and disclosing all required campus security policies, institutions should review and adhere to applicable guidance related to the Clery Act. These can be viewed at the URL listed below.
- California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented
- Completion Date: January 2014
- Response Date: October 2014
Recommendation To: Laney College
To ensure that they comply with the Clery Act by correctly reporting all applicable crimes and disclosing all required campus security policies, institutions should review and adhere to applicable guidance related to the Clery Act, including Education's Office of Postsecondary Education's (OPE) Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting (OPE handbook) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Reporting Handbook.
The Alameda County Sheriffs are assigned to provide Peralta Community College District Police Services and serve as the campus security authority on the Laney College campus. Peralta Police have responsibility for compliance with the Clery Act and designated police staff will:
1.Review on a periodic basis and adhere to the Clery Act updates on the Department of Education website.
2.Use the OPE Handbook and Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Reporting Handbook as its primary source for annually updating the Annual Security Report, maintaining the daily log of crimes and annually updating Safety policies and procedures in accordance with the Clery Act Requirements.
3.Attend annual trainings on the proper implementation of Clery Act additions and changes.
- California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Not Fully Implemented
- Completion Date: 3-1-2015
- Response Date: October 2014
Recommendation To: Laney College
To ensure that they comply with the Clery Act by correctly reporting all applicable crimes and disclosing all required campus security policies, institutions should thoroughly review the Clery Act crime statistics and security policy disclosures in their annual security reports for accuracy before publication.
Under the supervision of the Vice Chancellor of General Services, the Peralta Police Services currently publishes and distributes the Annual Security Report in compliance with the Clery Act. The Peralta police will implement the following steps to ensure correctly reporting all applicable crimes and security policies are documented in the report in compliance with the Clery Act. Peralta Police unit will create:
1.A Checklist to identify all procedures, policies, disclosures, practices and programs required by the Department of Education to be included in the report.
2.The Vice Chancellor of General Services Office staff and Peralta Police Services staff who will review a draft of the report for accuracy and completeness before it is published and distributed.
- California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Not Fully Implemented
- Completion Date: 3-1-2015
- Response Date: October 2014
Recommendation To: Laney College
Institutions should ensure that they properly notify both current and prospective students and employees of the availability of their annual security reports in the manner prescribed by the Clery Act.
Peralta Police has responsibility for notifying both current and prospective students and employees when the annual security reports are available. For current students and employees, access to the digital copy of the report is located on the Peralta Community College District website and the Laney College website at the following web addresses. For prospective students, language exists in the Laney College 2013-2015 catalog on page 119 under the Clery Act Section. The disclosure in the Laney College catalog provides a web address for accessing the Annual Security Report on the Peralta Community College District website.
Peralta web page for Handbook
Peralta web Page for Crime Statistics for All four colleges
Laney College web page for Handbook and Crime Statistics
- California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented
- Completion Date: January 2014
- Response Date: October 2014
Recommendation To: Laney College
To ensure that they comply with the Clery Act by correctly reporting all applicable crimes and disclosing all required campus security policies, institutions should ensure that they have a complete, accessible daily crime log, as required by the Clery Act.
Peralta Police has responsibility for reporting and maintaining daily crime logs in compliance with the Clery Act. Every crime on the Laney Campus is reported to the Peralta Police services and entered into the Dispatch System(CAD) maintained in the Peralta Police Services Offices at Peralta District General Services. A report number is assigned to each crime entered into the system along with the nature of the crime, date reported, date crime occurred and general location of the crime. Designated Peralta Police staff review the crimes in accordance with Clery Act requirements using the OPE Handbook and Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Reporting Handbook. According to Peralta Police Services, crime logs are open for public viewing at the patrol station.
In response to an audit issue, Laney College now excludes vehicle burglaries from the burglary category. The 2014-15 Annual Safety Report and crime statistics for 2010, 2011 and 2012 reflect this correction.
- California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented
- Completion Date: December 2013
- Response Date: October 2014