Report 2008-113 Recommendations and Responses in 2012-041
Report 2008-113: Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board: It Has Begun Improving the Victim Compensation Program, but More Remains to Be Done
Department | Number of Years Reported As Not Fully Implemented | Total Recommendations to Department | Not Implemented After One Year | Not Implemented as of Most Recent Response |
Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board | 3 | 25 | 7 | 2 |
Recommendation To: Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board, California
To ensure that it maximizes its use of CaRES, the board should address the structural and operational flaws that prevent identification of erroneous information and implement edit checks and other system controls sufficient to identify errors.
To correct the underlying database and application architecture issues in CaRES and to ensure the maximum use of the system, the Board authorized the CaRES Modification Project in June 2010. Phase 1 of the project, the Discovery and Validation process, was completed in June 2011. Phase 2 of the project, implementation of the database and application architectural changes, is currently underway. The implementation is divided into 3 increments. Increment one will be completed by December 2012. Increments 2 and 3 will be completed in 2013. When complete CaRES will by fully functional, scalable and can be expanded with additional functionality. The estimated date of completion remains December 2013.
- California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Not Fully Implemented
- Completion Date: December 2013
- Response Date: September 2012
Recommendation To: Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board, California
To ensure that the board appropriately carries out its outreach efforts, it should define the specific procedures to accomplish its action strategies for outreach and establish quantitative measures to evaluate the effectiveness of its outreach efforts.
As noted in previous progress reports, the board has substantially complied with this recommendation. The board's Comprehensive Communications and Outreach Plan identified metrics to establish benchmarks for awareness levels, prioritized projects and targeted underserved populations. The remaining element of the recommendations that has yet to be fully implemented is the performance survey to establish a baseline from which the board may accurately measure its goals. As previously noted the board had planned to contract with a vendor in 2010 but postponed plans due to budget constraints related to the condition of the Restitution Fund. During this difficult economic climate where all but necessary spending is restrained, our plans to conduct a formal performance survey remain on hold. We will continue to conduct our outreach efforts including using tools such as social and digital media and will actively seek feedback from stakeholders and advocates as to the success of these efforts.
- California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Not Fully Implemented
- Completion Date: Unknown
- Response Date: September 2012