Report I2020-2 Recommendation 19 Responses

Report I2020-2: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees: Wasteful and Improper Personnel Decisions, Improper Contracting, Conflict of Interest, Misuse of State Resources, and Dishonesty (Release Date: October 2020)

Case Number I2018-1988

Recommendation #19 To: Forestry and Fire Protection, Department of

CAL FIRE should provide contract and procurement training to applicable CAL FIRE employees, including those involved in drafting, negotiating, or approving contracts. The training should include a review of the State Contracting Manual to ensure that staff understand the policies, rules, and statutes applicable to external review and to procuring vendors and awarding contracts.

Agency Response From November 2020

CAL FIRE reported that it has required all employees who are responsible for--or involved in--the acquisition of goods and services to take a basic purchasing class (BPC). In addition, CAL FIRE stated that it will develop a BPC refresher course to ensure that employees receive consistent and updated training. Furthermore, CAL FIRE noted that its business services staff are required to take contracting courses and workshops offered by the Department of General Services.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in I2020-2