Report I2020-1 Recommendation 50 Responses
Report I2020-1: Investigation of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees: Waste of State Funds, Misuse of Bereavement Leave, Misuse of State Resources, Dishonesty, and Supervisory Neglect of Duty (Release Date: April 2020)
Case Number I2018-1820
Recommendation #50 To: Prison Industry Authority
CalPIA should reconcile the employee's attendance records to determine whether he owes the State any time for failing to report his actual work hours or whether the State owes him for unreported overtime during the period reviewed.
Agency Response From March 2020
CalPIA reported in March 2020 that, in conjunction with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation's personnel office, it completed a thorough review of the employee's timesheets and determined that no overtime is owed to the employee. In addition, CalPIA reported that it identified 20.5 hours the employee was overpaid and it initiated efforts to recover the overpayment through an accounts receivable.