Report I2020-1 Recommendation 4 Responses

Report I2020-1: Investigation of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees: Waste of State Funds, Misuse of Bereavement Leave, Misuse of State Resources, Dishonesty, and Supervisory Neglect of Duty (Release Date: April 2020)

Case Number I2017-1372

Recommendation #4 To: Fish and Wildlife, Department of

Fish and Wildlife should consider using progress payment schedules for contracts when procuring newly constructed, high-dollar technical equipment.

Agency Response From November 2020

Fish and Wildlife reiterated the information that it reported in June 2020. In addition, Fish and Wildlife stated that it had updated its procurement manual that includes a section on the use of progress payments.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Resolved

Agency Response From June 2020

Fish and Wildlife stated that it uses progress payment schedules in contracts where it finds these payments advantageous to it. For contracts and procurements that exceed its purchasing authority, Fish and Wildlife stated that it relies on General Services to establish the procurement and payment methods. It stated that it will continue to evaluate and utilize progress payments, where appropriate, for contracts within its delegated authority.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Agency Response From February 2020

Fish and Wildlife disagreed that it should consider using progress payment schedules for similar purchases, as it stated that it relied on the expertise of General Services in these types of procurements, including the judgment of General Services' staff about the creation of payment schedules. It further stated that paying for the research boat in increments during construction would not have prevented the outcome.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

All Recommendations in I2020-1