Report I2019-3 Recommendation 12 Responses
Report I2019-3: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees: Wasteful and Improper Travel Payments, Improper Promotion and Hiring Practices, and Misuse of State Resources (Release Date: May 2019)
Case Number I2016-1298
Recommendation #12 To: State Hospitals, Department of
State Hospitals should provide detailed and comprehensive instructions to managers, supervisors, and employees to ensure that they adhere to State Hospitals' telecommute policy requirements and limitations.
Agency Response From October 2019
State Hospitals revised its telework policy effective in October 2019 to include casual or intermittent telecommuting to accommodate a short-term need as well as regular telecommuting, which is an established telework schedule with a specific number of days per week or month based on State Hospitals' needs. In addition, State Hospitals appointed a telework coordinator to manage the day-to-day coordination of its telework program, including compliance with its policies, procedures, and guidelines.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented
Agency Response From July 2019
State Hospitals advised us that it intended to discuss telework at its executive management meeting this month and that it expected to approve a revised policy later in July 2019.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending
Agency Response From March 2019
State Hospitals stated that its telecommute policy is outdated, as noted in its agency response. Thus, it reported that by May 31, 2019, it would develop and implement a new telecommute policy to comply with current state practices, issue an electronic communication to all employees to inform them of the new telecommute policy, and provide training to all personnel staff regarding the new telecommute policy's requirements and limitations to ensure that they provide appropriate guidance.