Report I2019-2 Recommendation 9 Responses

Report I2019-2: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees: Inefficient Management of State Resources, Misuse of State Time and Inaccurate Attendance Records, and Inadequate Supervision (Release Date: April 2019)

Case Number I2018-0210

Recommendation #9 To: University, California State

The CSU campus should provide training within 90 days to all police department staff that covers relevant sections of the police department policy manual, including the following requirements for all uniformed police department employees:

-- Employees should be prompt, prepared, and ready to work on assignments.
-- Employees should be punctual in reporting to a duty station or assignment.
-- Employees should not leave before the end of their scheduled hours.

Agency Response From January 2020

The campus reported that it verbally and electronically communicated its new policy on reporting to work to all officers in December 2019. It also stated that it is requiring all officers to sign the policy to acknowledge they have read and understand it.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented

Agency Response From August 2019

In June 2019, the campus police chief told department staff that it would resume command staff meetings, thereby allowing the police department the opportunity to remind staff of expectations and to ensure transparency and clear communications regarding significant events, changes, and policies. The police department also distributed memos related to training, staffing, and procedural updates to all staff and asked the staff to initial the memos after reviewing them. In addition, the campus stated that the police department will begin distributing updates regarding policies, procedures, and best practices to achieve increased accountability, consistency, and transparency.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented

Agency Response From June 2019

The campus stated that it will review and update current police department policies to ensure clarity and understanding of these expectations with an emphasis on the three components identified in the recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Agency Response From March 2019

The campus reported that it plans to address the recommendation to the extent permitted by the applicable collective bargaining agreement and laws.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

All Recommendations in I2019-2