Report I2019-2 Recommendation 24 Responses

Report I2019-2: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees: Inefficient Management of State Resources, Misuse of State Time and Inaccurate Attendance Records, and Inadequate Supervision (Release Date: April 2019)

Case Number I2017-1308

Recommendation #24 To: Controller's Office, State

The SCO should determine whether other managers or supervisors at the SCO also allowed employees to informally switch their RDOs. If so, the SCO should review the attendance records for the relevant employees to verify that they accurately recorded their time off and hours worked. To the extent that the SCO determines other employees improperly accounted for their time, the SCO should recover any overpayments or adjust their leave balances accordingly.

Agency Response From October 2021

The State Controller's Office reported in October 2021 that it had tried to identify the names of the four employees who had switched their RDOs as noted in its July 2019 update. However, given that more than two years have elapsed, it could not find any information about the specific names. Regardless, as noted in July 2019, it indicated that it had taken action as it deemed appropriate.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Resolved

Agency Response From February 2020

In February 2020, the State Controller's Office reported that due to a large executive staff turnover during the past several months, it could not provide us with the additional information we had requested.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented

Agency Response From January 2020

In August 2019 and January 2020, we again asked the State Controller's Office for the names of the four employees and an explanation for how it determined that they did not fail to account for any work hours. We have yet to receive a response.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented

Agency Response From July 2019

The State Controller's Office jointly responded to this and the previous recommendation by stating that all of its division chiefs had completed their reviews and found that four employees had informally switched their RDOs. The State Controller's Office stated that after analyzing these employees' timesheets, it determined that although they had informally switched their RDO's, they had not actually failed to account for any work hours.

We asked the State Controller's Office to provide the names of the four employees identified as having informally switched their RDOs and the specific dates that each of these employees had switched their RDOs. In addition, we asked the State Controller's Office to provide an explanation, as well as any supporting documentation, of how it determined that these employees had not failed to account for any work hours. However, more than one month after our request and even after we had sent a follow-up email, the State Controller's Office has not responded to us.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented

All Recommendations in I2019-2