Report I2019-2 Recommendation 14 Responses
Report I2019-2: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees: Inefficient Management of State Resources, Misuse of State Time and Inaccurate Attendance Records, and Inadequate Supervision (Release Date: April 2019)
Case Number I2018-0027
Recommendation #14 To: Water Resources Control Board
The State Water Board should require this supervisor to implement policies and procedures to ensure that his subordinates account for all of their missed work hours.
Agency Response From July 2019
The State Water Board reported that the supervisor met with staff on two separate occasions to discuss job expectations and that it modified the work schedules of the three engineers so they now have the same work schedule as the supervisor. In addition, the State Water Board stated that the supervisor will be required to meet monthly with his superior to ensure that he properly monitors his staff.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented
Agency Response From May 2019
The State Water Board reported that it is requiring that the supervisor formulate expectations for his staff about accounting for time and to create procedures to monitor time so that he and his supervisor track subordinates' attendance. It added that these expectations and procedures also will be reviewed by its human resources branch.