Report I2018-1 Recommendation 18 Responses
Report I2018-1: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees: Misuse of State Time, Economically Wasteful Activities, and Misuse of State Property (Release Date: July 2018)
Case Number I2015-1129
Recommendation #18 To: Correctional Health Care Services, California
Consider disciplinary action against the nursing director and the LVN for being dishonest when interviewed and for violating Correctional Health Care's policy on personal relationships in the employment setting.
Agency Response From May 2019
Correctional Health Care reported that the CEO for the prison conducted an extensive review of our findings, interviewed the nursing director and the LVN about their relationship, and discussed the nepotism and fraternization policy with them. It further stated that the CEO concluded that the employees had not violated the nepotism and fraternization policy and decided against disciplinary action.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Resolved
Agency Response From November 2018
CCHCS reported that on August 10, 2018, the State Personnel Board (SPB) contacted its human resources office and initiated a review of the LVN's temporary assignment. In September 2018, it further reported that it does not intend to implement our recommendations until after SPB's review is complete. As of November 2018, SPB had not concluded its review.