Report I2017-1 Recommendation 25 Responses
Report I2017-1: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees: Misuse of Resources, Inaccurate Attendance Records, Disclosure of Confidential Information, and Improper Payments (Release Date: March 2017)
Case Number I2015-1146
Recommendation #25 To: Social Services, Department of
The Department of Social Services (Social Services) should continue to monitor the supervisor's duties related to addressing the work performance of her subordinate employees and continue to take appropriate corrective or disciplinary action when necessary.
Agency Response From June 2017
Social Services reported that it continued to monitor the supervisor's duties and responsibilities. Specifically, it stated that management visited the supervisor's office, regularly communicated with her, and documented conversations, issues, and activities related to the supervisor and her staff. In addition, Social Services stated that the supervisor prepared individual development plans for her staff and issued a corrective action memo to the employee mentioned in the report. Further, Social Services stated that the supervisor submitted a tracking log that documents her efforts to track the progress of her staff. Social Services indicated that the supervisor plans to submit the tracking log monthly.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented
Agency Response From February 2017
Social Services reported that after the supervisor received the memos about her responsibilities when handling an employee who is not performing to the standard of his or her classification, the supervisor took steps to actively monitor her subordinates and to involve management to prepare appropriate responses as needed.