Report I2016-1 Recommendation 9 Responses
Report I2016-1: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees: Misuse of State Resources, Forgery, False Time Reporting, Financial Interests Disclosure Violations, and Waste of State Funds (Release Date: February 2016)
Case Number I2014-1576
Recommendation #9 To: Water Resources, Department of
Water Resources should provide training to all training coordinators regarding their responsibility to track each employee's total calendar year reimbursement for each training category other than job-required training.
Agency Response From April 2017
Water Resources provided evidence that the remaining training coordinators subsequently attended the training.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented
Agency Response From December 2016
Water Resources provided a copy of the spreadsheet template as well as the training roster from its June 2016 training coordinators training, which indicated that a few training coordinators did not attend the training. Water Resources also reported that in addition to the June 2016 training, it held the annual training coordinators workshop in July 2016 and presented the same training module from June 2016. Further, Water Resources reported that three training coordinators missed the July 2016 workshop and would be trained soon.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented
Agency Response From July 2016
Water Resources reported that it held the training coordinator training in June 2016, and it sent the spreadsheet template to training coordinators to track training expenses until the management system is fully operational.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented
Agency Response From April 2016
Water Resources reported that it is in the process of purchasing an online Learning Management System (management system) that will interface with its enterprise financial system to facilitate and track internal training processes. In addition, Water Resources stated that the management system will enable its staff--specifically DWR administrative officers and training coordinators--to generate reports and continuously monitor employee training expenditures to keep employees and their supervisors informed and in compliance with its policies.
Water Resources also stated that its training office conducts training coordinator workshops annually where calendar year reimbursements are reviewed and discussed as part of the overall curriculum. In addition, Water Resources stated that it plans to provide an additional training coordinator's workshop this year to emphasize the requirement that training coordinators must track each employee's total calendar year reimbursements. Further, Water Resources stated that its training office is developing a spreadsheet template to track calendar and fiscal year reimbursements that will be used until the management system is operational.