Report I2016-1 Recommendation 28 Responses
Report I2016-1: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees: Misuse of State Resources, Forgery, False Time Reporting, Financial Interests Disclosure Violations, and Waste of State Funds (Release Date: February 2016)
Case Number I2014-0948
Recommendation #28 To: State Hospitals, Department of
State Hospitals should ensure that by March 1, 2016, all exempt employees understand the requirement to work an average of 40 hours per week over the course of a year and to seek prior approval for arriving late, leaving early, or taking an extended break.
Agency Response From March 2016
In January 2016 Patton State Hospital (Patton) issued an absence and attendance reporting memorandum to all of its employees that outlined specific expectations of absence and attendance reporting. In addition, supervisors at Patton met with each of their employees to review the expectations set forth in an attendance reporting expectations memorandum. Each employee was asked to sign this memorandum, indicating they had reviewed and discussed it with their supervisor. Further, in February 2016 the State Hospitals director issued an all-staff email that addressed the maintenance of regular and approved work schedules for exempt employees and all other employees. Finally, in February 2016 State Hospitals posted to its intranet an administrative letter regarding expected work hours for its exempt employees.