Report I2016-1 Recommendation 2 Responses
Report I2016-1: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees: Misuse of State Resources, Forgery, False Time Reporting, Financial Interests Disclosure Violations, and Waste of State Funds (Release Date: February 2016)
Case Number I2014-0970
Recommendation #2 To: Fish and Wildlife, Department of
Fish and Wildlife should take appropriate corrective or disciplinary action against the employee for his improper governmental activities, including reducing the employee's leave balance by 14 hours to account for the two days he did not work and did not attend the retirement fair.
Agency Response From January 2016
Fish and Wildlife reported in January 2016 that the employee retired from state service in December 2015 before it could provide him with a notice of adverse action. As a result, Fish and Wildlife stated that it is unable to take corrective or disciplinary action against the employee for his improper governmental activities.