Report I2016-1 Recommendation 13 Responses
Report I2016-1: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees: Misuse of State Resources, Forgery, False Time Reporting, Financial Interests Disclosure Violations, and Waste of State Funds (Release Date: February 2016)
Case Number I2015-0084
Recommendation #13 To: Correctional Health Care Services, California
Correctional Health Care should work with the state agency that currently employs the supervising nurse to coordinate the appropriate disciplinary action to address the supervising nurse's improper activities, including his forging of documents and his dishonesty.
Agency Response From January 2017
Correctional Health Care reported that it contacted Corrections to conduct an investigation. It stated that Corrections completed its investigation in December 2016 and concluded that it could not sustain the allegation of dishonesty. In addition, Corrections stated that it identified only some errors on the military dates the supervising nurse had claimed. As a result, Correctional Health Care stated that it would not impose any disciplinary action.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Resolved
Agency Response From September 2016
Correctional Health Care reported that it continues to work through the formal disciplinary process to address the recommendation. It stated that it plans to take disciplinary action at the conclusion of the process, which it estimated will be no later than January 2017.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented
Agency Response From August 2016
The supervising nurse returned to work at Correctional Health Care in July 2016. Correctional Health Care stated that it continues to work with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation regarding the formal disciplinary process and will take action at the conclusion of the process.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented
Agency Response From June 2016
Corrections and the state agency that employs the supervising nurse conducted separate reviews of a wider time period of military leave use by the supervising nurse than the period reviewed in our investigation. They identified additional instances of military leave that required validation by the military. After Correctional Health Care requested that the military validate the additional instances of military leave use by the supervising nurse, the military's legal counsel advised that the military could not disclose information or validate military leave as requested. Thus, Correctional Health Care stated that it plans to initiate appropriate disciplinary action, and it plans to forward the action to the state agency that employs the supervising nurse to serve and impose on him.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented
Agency Response From March 2016
Correctional Health Care stated that the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, which processes time sheets for Correctional Health Care, and the state agency that currently employs the supervising nurse are continuing to coordinate their efforts to impose on the supervising nurse the appropriate disciplinary action.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending
Agency Response From February 2016
Correctional Health Care stated that it and the state agency that currently employs the supervising nurse are coordinating their efforts to impose disciplinary action on the supervising nurse.