Report I2016-1 Recommendation 12 Responses

Report I2016-1: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees: Misuse of State Resources, Forgery, False Time Reporting, Financial Interests Disclosure Violations, and Waste of State Funds (Release Date: February 2016)

Case Number I2015-0084

Recommendation #12 To: Correctional Health Care Services, California

Correctional Health Care should work, as necessary, with the state agency that currently employs the supervising nurse to require him either to correct his 2014 time sheets by using earned leave for the 14 workdays when he improperly claimed military leave or to pay the State $5,988 for the leave he improperly claimed on the 14 workdays.

Agency Response From May 2016

The agency that currently employs the supervising nurse revised his official leave balances to accurately reflect the use of earned leave credits rather than military leave. We reviewed the supervising nurse's leave records and verified their accuracy.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented

Agency Response From March 2016

Correctional Health Care reported that personnel staff at the state agency that currently employs the supervising nurse obtained from him corrected time sheets regarding the 14 workdays when he improperly claimed military leave. Correctional Health Care stated that the corrected time sheets showed the supervising nurse had modified his leave to use earned leave credits instead of military leave. The current employing state agency plans to use the corrected time sheets to revise the supervising nurse's official leave balances.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Agency Response From February 2016

Correctional Health Care stated that in collaboration with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (Corrections), which processes time sheets for Correctional Health Care, it notified the state agency that currently employs the supervising nurse of the results of the investigation. In addition, Correctional Health Care stated that Corrections and the state agency jointly agreed to advise the supervising nurse of the need either to correct his 2014 time sheets or to collect from him $5,988 for the improperly claimed leave.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

All Recommendations in I2016-1