Report I2015-1 Recommendation 29 Responses
Report I2015-1: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees (Release Date: August 2015)
Case Number I2013-0440
Recommendation #29 To: Correctional Health Care Services, California
Correctional Health Care should ensure that it or its contractor submits to the Department of Technology (Technology) all projects that require Technology's review.
Agency Response From May 2016
Correctional Health Care provided a copy of its CALNET process flow for professional services. The process flow included a statement that Correctional Health Care will ask Technology to perform a courtesy review of its proposed procurements prior to execution of contracts.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented
Agency Response From April 2016
Correctional Health Care stated that its staff follow Technology's process, which requires Correctional Health Care to sign certain pricing proposals before the contractor submits them to Technology for approval. It further stated that it does not authorize work to start until the pricing proposals are signed by Correctional Health Care, the contractor, and Technology.
Although Correctional Health Care's assertion that it follows this process is a positive sign, it has not provided to us any information to explain how it changed its former practice that was highlighted in our report.
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending
Agency Response From January 2016
Correctional Health Care stated that the contractor is responsible for submitting certain pricing to Technology for review. Correctional Health Care's responsibility is to review the services and pricing in the statement of work, but it then has no involvement in the relay of information to Technology. It also stated that Technology is responsible for the contractor's compliance with the contract.