Report I2015-1 Recommendation 25 Responses
Report I2015-1: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees (Release Date: August 2015)
Case Number I2013-1902
Recommendation #25 To: Forestry and Fire Protection, Department of
Require the supervisor to provide the senior personnel specialist with a formal annual performance evaluation so that both parties understand office expectations for arriving to work on time and reporting absences and tardiness.
Agency Response From August 2015
The Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) reported in August 2015 that the senior personnel specialist transferred from the unit but remained a CalFire employee. Her new unit supervisor subsequently discussed and documented his expectations including, but not limited to, call-in procedures and start and end times, and he documented the senior personnel specialist's acknowledgement. Finally, the new supervisor will complete a formal performance evaluation for the senior personnel specialist and all other employees in the unit.