Report I2015-1 Recommendation 21 Responses
Report I2015-1: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees (Release Date: August 2015)
Case Number I2012-2137
Recommendation #21 To: Employment Development Department
To ensure state departments that are considering whether to hire the accounting officer are aware of her improper activities, including using state equipment and materials to type and print a large volume of personal documents, and using her position to improperly access the department's database, the Employment Development Department should determine what documentation, if any, it should place in the accounting officer's personnel file to indicate that she resigned while under investigation.
Agency Response From June 2015
The Employment Development Department reported in June 2015 that it placed a memorandum in the accounting officer's personnel file stating that it served her with a notice of dismissal in December 2014 and that she resigned from state service prior to its effective date.