Report I2015-1 Recommendation 17 Responses
Report I2015-1: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees (Release Date: August 2015)
Case Number I2014-1011
Recommendation #17 To: Corrections and Rehabilitation, Department of
Corrections and Correctional Health Care should develop a policy requiring all labor relations analysts, including the labor relations analyst at Prison 1, to document any communications from the Office of Labor Relations at Corrections that affect employee compensation.
Agency Response From August 2015
Corrections reported that in August 2015 it issued to all of its labor relations analysts and staff a policy memo that discussed the need to verify existing policies and provisions prior to discussions with and dissemination of information to stakeholders when dealing with traditionally sensitive areas such as pay, overtime, regular days off, and benefits. It further stressed that prior to such discussions, labor relations analysts should vet all correspondence through the Office of Labor Relations at headquarters.