Report I2009-0640 Recommendation 14 Responses
Report I2009-0640: California Department of Transportation: Caltrans Employees Engaged in Inexcusable Neglect of Duty, Received Overpayment for Overtime, Falsified Test Data, and Misappropriated State Property (Release Date: March 2013)
Case Number I2009-0640
Recommendation #14 To: Transportation, Department of
To address the misappropriation of state property by the supervisor, we recommend that Caltrans establish controls to ensure that scrap materials are recycled and not taken for personal use by Caltrans employees. (See I2009-0640, p. 24)
Agency Response From September 2013
Caltrans concluded that the primary reason why scrap materials were being taken for personal use is that employees often did not understand that scrap materials were not available for the taking. Accordingly, Caltrans' division of engineering services issued a directive in July 2012 regarding procedures for the proper disposal and recycling of hazardous and nonhazardous scrap materials which includes an express prohibition against the personal use of scap materials. Caltrans subsequently provided training to staff regarding the directive and posted signs at scap locations warning staff against making personal use of scap materials.