Report I2007-1158 Recommendation 3 Responses

Report I2007-1158: California State University, Chancellor's Office: Failure to Follow Reimbursement Policies Resulted in Improper and Wasteful Expenditures (Release Date: December 2009)

Case Number I2007-1158

Recommendation #3 To: University, California State

To recover improper payments and improve its review process over travel claims submitted to its accounting department, the university should specify upper monetary limits for its food and beverage policy and specify when this policy applies.

Agency Response From August 2011

To strengthen its policies relating to food and beverage reimbursements, the university implemented a policy of only reimbursing employees based on the actual cost of meals and setting a maximum limit on meal reimbursements for any 24-hour period.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in I2007-1158