Report 2023-112 Recommendation 6 Responses

Report 2023-112: Mobilehome Residency Law Protection Program: The California Department of Housing and Community Development Must Improve Its Oversight of the Program (Release Date: December 2023)

Recommendation #6 To: Housing and Community Development, Department of

HCD should adopt more effective data management practices by developing, at a minimum, the following CASAS upgrades as soon as is feasible:
-A list of outcomes that HCD staff would select from when changing a complaint's status to closed. That list should include the option to note that closure pertains to an inquiry rather than a complaint.
-The ability to automatically generate a report with the outcome information needed for HCD's annual report to the Legislature.

6-Month Agency Response

HCD has submitted a request to HCD's Information Technology Branch for development of a CASAS enhancement that will implement a dropdown list of outcome categories, which will include options pertaining to inquiries as well as complaints. HCD staff and management will utilize this outcome function when changing a complaint's status to closed. This enhancement will allow HCD to automatically generate outcome data for HCD's Annual Report to the Legislature and for internal reports. This enhancement was released on May 23, 2024.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

60-Day Agency Response

Program has submitted a request to IT for a CASAS enhancement that will implement a dropdown list of outcome categories, which will include options pertaining to inquiries as well as complaints, that HCD staff and management will utilize when changing a complaint's status to closed. This enhancement will allow program to automatically generate outcome data for HCD's annual report to the Legislature and other internal reports. The enhancement is scheduled to be released May 10, 2024. Program estimates the CSA recommendation will be implemented by March 2024.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

We look forward to reviewing HCD's progress toward implementing our recommendation.

All Recommendations in 2023-112

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.