Report 2023-110 Recommendation 5 Responses

Report 2023-110: California Department of Public Health: Process Improvements Could Help Reduce Delays in Completing Fetal Death Registrations (Release Date: February 2024)

Recommendation #5 To: Public Health, Department of

To better ensure the effectiveness of its help desk, CDPH should, beginning in June 2024, periodically survey local registrars to solicit feedback on their experience with the help desk and should use this feedback to improve help desk processes as necessary.

6-Month Agency Response

VR has fully implemented this recommendation. VR created a survey for local registrars to provide feedback on their help desk experience, which was sent out on May 28, 2024. The help desk email signature block now includes the survey link, allowing all users who interact with the helpdesk to access it and provide feedback. Survey results will be reviewed regularly and used to inform decisions around system enhancements, customer service, and fetal death registration process improvements (see CHSI Response Support - Survey Email.pdf and CHSI Response Support - EDRS FDRM Helpdesk Feedback Survey.xlsx).

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

60-Day Agency Response

CDPH Vital Records will create a survey for local registrar staff to provide feedback and suggestions, aiming to enhance the effectiveness of help desk support and improve the user experience for all registration system users. The survey will be created and sent to local registrar staff no later than June 2024.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2023-110

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.