Report 2022-114 Recommendation 10 Responses

Report 2022-114: California Department of Technology: Weaknesses in Strategic Planning, Information Security, and Project Oversight Limit the State's Management of Information Technology (Release Date: April 2023)

Recommendation #10 To: Technology, California Department of

To ensure that it consistently applies best practices when conducting strategic planning, CDT should develop a policy or procedure that documents the required elements of its strategic plan. These elements should include key goals, strategies for achieving those goals, measurable objectives, performance measures, and processes to monitor progress.

1-Year Agency Response

CDT in partnership with contracted vendor Delegata and the State Technology Council has been leading the development of the new Statewide Technology Strategy, Envision 2026 - Building the Future. The core elements of Name, Purpose, Vision, Values, Strategic Imperatives, Goals, Outcomes, and Strategies will be published in May 2024. These elements were developed using interviews, focus groups, surveys, council meetings, sponsor sessions, and authoritative sources. There has been over 750 stakeholder engagement touchpoints as inputs. Also published in May will be Realizing the Success of Vision 2023 which will provide a retrospective on Vision 2023, highlighting several key initiatives and showing the annual measurements of progress in improving and enhancing the state's information technology program.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Resolved

We consider this recommendation resolved because CDT has included recommended elements in its most recent strategic plan. To fully implement the recommendation CDT would need to develop a policy requiring that the key elements be included each time it develops a strategic plan.

6-Month Agency Response

In July, CDT published the California State Digital Strategy: An Innovation Roadmap. This strategy provides an actionable framework for California government and education systems to innovate using technology to improve resident experiences and services for their residents. It is another example of statewide strategies that ensure work occurring at each state department is in alignment with Vision 2023. In addition, CDT has awarded a contract with a vendor to assist in developing the state's next technology strategic plan. The vendor's work will include developing the new strategic plan with measurable outcomes and helping to improve CDT's annual report process as well as updates to policy and procedure documentation to ensure best practices are followed for all future strategic planning efforts. Current efforts also include a close-out of the current Vision 2023.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

We look forward to reviewing CDT's new strategic plan to ensure it includes elements such as key goals, strategies for achieving those goals, measurable objectives, performance measures, and processes to monitor progress.

60-Day Agency Response

CDT will update policy to highlight each department's CIOs responsibility to develop and maintain an IT Strategic Plan which aligns with their department's mission and the California Department of Technology Statewide IT Strategic Plan.

Furthermore, an annual progress report process and template will be developed that enables CDT to provide a year-over-year comparative analysis of key performance indicators of statewide adoption and progress toward the statewide IT strategic plan. CDT will leverage our current metrics, such as CalSecure and Broadband Action Plan and Digital Strategy, and develop new measurements, where applicable.

CDT seeks a vendor partner to assist in evolving the vision, mission, goals, and guiding principles for IT organizations statewide. A solicitation was published on 5/19/2023, with a response due 6/30/2023.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2022-114

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.