Report 2022-102 Recommendation 13 Responses

Report 2022-102: California Department of Public Health: It Has Missed Opportunities to Collect and Report Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data (Release Date: April 2023)

Recommendation #13 To: Public Health, Department of

Public Health should develop an action plan to ensure that CalREDIE users and Public Health programs can extract SOGI data for all of the reportable disease conditions currently in CalREDIE by October 2023.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2024

As of June 2024, Public Health has updated 128 of 128 (100%) extracts with SOGI data elements.

- Migration of the CalREDIE data warehouse and all communicable disease data to a cloud-based environment called the Integrated Infectious Disease Data (I2D2) Warehouse is proceeding on schedule. Currently, we have established the cloud-based data warehouse infrastructure in all environments (development, test, production) and we are actively providing "live" CalREDIE Data Distribution Portal (DDP) data to CID programs. CalREDIE data is still anticipated to be available for access by October 2024 for local health jurisdictions in I2D2, with a pilot kick-off with selected LHJs in September 2024. Public Health programs outside of CID will gain provisional access to CalREDIE data in I2D2 by October 2024.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Pending

We look forward to reviewing Public Health's progress toward implementing our recommendation.

1-Year Agency Response

As of March 25, 2024, 106 of 128 extracts have been updated with SOGI data elements, an increase of 26 since the last update was reported. Public Health anticipates that all extracts will be updated by June 2024.

Migration of the CalREDIE data warehouse and all communicable disease data to a cloud-based environment called the Integrated Infectious Disease Data (I2D2) Warehouse is proceeding on schedule. CalREDIE data is still anticipated to be available in I2D2 for local health jurisdictions to access by October 2024. Currently, we have established the cloud-based infrastructure in both development and test environments and we are actively validating and fine-tuning it. Production ("live") data was loaded into the cloud-based infrastructure in March 2024, after which additional validation and minimum-necessary access provisioning protocols will be completed.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Partially Implemented

We look forward to reviewing the Public Health's progress toward implementing our recommendation.

6-Month Agency Response

CID continues to add SOGI data elements to each data extract in the CalREDIE Data Warehouse so that they are available to public health programs. As of September 20, 2023, 80 of the 128 extracts have been updated with SOGI data elements, an increase of 31 since the last update was reported. Updates to the CalREDIE Data Warehouse are scheduled to be completed by the end of April 2024. In addition, to make access to and analysis of the available SOGI data more efficient, CID continues work to move the CalREDIE data warehouse and all communicable disease data to a cloud-based data warehouse. The data warehouse is called the Integrated Infectious Disease Data (I2D2) Warehouse. Public Health prepared a high-level plan to prepare the technical infrastructure in June 2023. This project plan was recently revised with input and dependencies from ITSD. CID is building out the I2D2 infrastructure and plans to have local health jurisdictions able to access CalREDIE data via cloud-based data warehouse I2D2 in October 2024.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

60-Day Agency Response

The Center for Infectious Diseases (CID) is developing an action plan to ensure that the local health jurisdictions and CID programs can extract SOGI data on all the reportable disease conditions currently in California Reportable Disease Information Exchange (CalREDIE), with two components: (1) Continuing the ongoing work to add SOGI data elements to each data extract in the CalREDIE data warehouse. As of May 17, 2023, 49 of 128 extracts have been updated, an increase of 22 since the list was provided to the auditors on February 14, 2023. (2) Developing and implementing a plan to move the CalREDIE data warehouse and all communicable disease data to cloud-based data warehouse that was established for COVID-19 leveraging technology, staff, and processes implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. Moving the CalREDIE data to the cloud-based data warehouse is expected to result in efficiencies to modifying the data extracts to allow extraction and analysis of the available SOGI data. For example, for those extracts that are not updated to include SOGI data in the CalREDIE data warehouse, movement to the cloud-based data warehouse will facilitate updates to those extracts to include SOGI data elements more quickly. CID plans to have a schedule for the remaining data extracts in the CalREDIE data warehouse by 6/1/2023; and a high-level schedule for moving all the CalREDIE data to a cloud-based data warehouse by the end of June.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

We look forward to reviewing Public Health's progress towards implementing this recommendation.

All Recommendations in 2022-102

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.