Report 2022-102 Recommendation 12 Responses

Report 2022-102: California Department of Public Health: It Has Missed Opportunities to Collect and Report Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data (Release Date: April 2023)

Recommendation #12 To: Public Health, Department of

Public Health should develop a process to verify that all local health jurisdictions that do not use CalREDIE are reporting SOGI data to Public Health and are complying with SOGI data reporting requirements by October 2023.

1-Year Agency Response

CID is continuing to build out the Integrated Infectious Disease Data (I2D2) infrastructure and is working with Los Angeles (LA) county through June 2024 to pilot the process of receiving LA county data, including SOGI data, for a limited number (5-20) of reportable disease conditions. Information gained from this pilot will inform and guide the process for the remaining reportable disease conditions from LA County, as well as San Diego and San Francisco for diseases that are not in CalREDIE. CID currently estimates that data from all LHJs not using CalREDIE will be available in I2D2 by March 2026.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Pending

We look forward to reviewing the Public Health's progress toward implementing our recommendation.

6-Month Agency Response

Public Health prepared a high-level plan to prepare the technical infrastructure, the Integrated Infectious Disease Data (I2D2) Warehouse, to receive data from jurisdictions that do not use CalREDIE in June 2023. This project plan was recently revised with input and dependencies from the Information Technology Services Division (ITSD). CID is simultaneously building out the I2D2 infrastructure and working with Los Angeles (LA) county through March 2024 to pilot the process of receiving LA county data, including SOGI data, for a limited number (5-20) of reportable disease conditions. Information gained from this pilot will inform and guide the process for the remaining reportable disease conditions from LA County, as well as San Diego and San Francisco for diseases that are not in CalREDIE. CID currently estimates that data from all LHJs not using CalREDIE will be available in I2D2 by March 2026.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

60-Day Agency Response

The Center for Infectious Diseases (CID) is developing a plan to ensure that the local health jurisdictions (LHJs) that do not use California Reportable Disease Information Exchange (CalREDIE) report all communicable disease data, including SOGI data, to Public Health. This plan relies on the utilization of technology, staff, and processes implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are two components to this plan: (1) Preparing the CID technical infrastructure for receipt of automated data files, utilizing the cloud-based data warehouse that was established for COVID-19. (2) Working with the LHJs that do not use CalREDIE for all disease conditions (e.g., Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco) to inform them of the technical specifications their jurisdictions will need to implement to transmit automated data files, including collected SOGI data, to CID. In order to have a documented process by October 2023, CID will have a high-level project plan for preparing the technical infrastructure by the end of June 2023; initiate discussions with LHJs in June 2023; and have a final documented project plan by October 2023 for the activities the LHJs will need to do to report SOGI data to Public Health, and what CID will need to do to ensure LHJs are complying with SOGI data reporting requirements.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

We look forward to reviewing Public Health's progress towards implementing this recommendation.

All Recommendations in 2022-102

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.