Report 2021-616 Recommendation 8 Responses

Report 2021-616: Board of State and Community Corrections: Its Administration of Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funds Has Been Marred by Delays, Unfair Awards, and Insufficient Monitoring (Release Date: October 2021)

Recommendation #8 To: State and Community Corrections, Board of

To comply with federal and state requirements, and to ensure transparency, consistency, and fairness in its grant process, Community Corrections should post its grant procedures publicly on its website once it has improved its standard grant procedures.

The BSCC Grant Proposal Evaluation Process document was posted to the website in September 2022. The new updated grant administration guide that includes the Emergency Grant process can be located at:

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

We disagree with Community Corrections' assertion that it has fully implemented our recommendation. Community Corrections has updated its website with its 2023 grant administration guide. However, the guidance it posted on its website does not clearly describe the grant proposal evaluation process to ensure transparency, consistency, and fairness in evaluating and awarding grants. Thus, until Community Corrections includes a comprehensive description of its grant evaluation process publicly on its website, we will continue to report the status of this recommendation as not fully implemented.

The BSCC Grant Proposal Evaluation Process document was posted to the website in September 2022. The new updated grant administration guide that includes the Emergency Grant process can be located at:

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

We disagree with Community Corrections' assertion that it has fully implemented our recommendation. Community Corrections has updated its website with its 2023 grant administration guide. However, the guidance it posted on its website does not clearly describe the grant proposal evaluation process to ensure transparency, consistency, and fairness in evaluating and awarding grants. Thus, until Community Corrections includes a comprehensive description of its grant evaluation process publicly on its website, we will continue to report the status of this recommendation as not fully implemented.

The BSCC Grant Proposal Evaluation Process document was posted to the website in September 2022. The new updated grant administration guide that includes the Emergency Grant process can be located at:

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

We disagree with Community Corrections' assertion that it has fully implemented our recommendation. Community Corrections has updated its website with its 2023 grant administration guide. However, the guidance it posted on its website does not clearly describe the grant proposal evaluation process to ensure transparency, consistency, and fairness in evaluating and awarding grants. Thus, until Community Corrections includes a comprehensive description of its grant evaluation process publicly on its website, we will continue to report the status of this recommendation as not fully implemented.

The BSCC Grant Proposal Evaluation Process document was posted to the website in September 2022. The new updated grant administration guide that includes the Emergency Grant process can be located at:

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

We disagree with Community Corrections' assertion that it has fully implemented our recommendation. Community Corrections has updated its website with its 2023 grant administration guide. However, the guidance it posted on its website does not clearly describe the grant proposal evaluation process to ensure transparency, consistency, and fairness in evaluating and awarding grants. Thus, until Community Corrections includes a comprehensive description of its grant evaluation process publicly on its website, we will continue to assess this recommendation as not fully implemented.

The BSCC Grant Proposal Evaluation Process document was posted to the website in September 2022. The new updated grant administration guide that includes the Emergency Grant process can be located at:

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

We disagree with Community Corrections' assertion that it has fully implemented our recommendation. Community Corrections has updated its website with its 2023 grant administration guide. However, the guidance it posted on its website does not clearly describe the grant proposal evaluation process to ensure transparency, consistency, and fairness in evaluating and awarding grants. Thus, until Community Corrections includes a comprehensive description of its grant evaluation process publicly on its website, we will continue to assess this recommendation as not fully implemented.

The BSCC Grant Proposal Evaluation Process document was posted to the website in September 2022. The new updated grant administration guide that includes the Emergency Grant process can be located at:

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

We disagree with Community Corrections' assertion that it has fully implemented our recommendation. Community Corrections has updated its website with its 2023 grant administration guide. However, the guidance it posted on its website does not clearly describe the grant proposal evaluation process to ensure transparency, consistency, and fairness in evaluating and awarding grants. Thus, until Community Corrections includes a comprehensive description of its grant evaluation process publicly on its website, we will continue to assess this recommendation as not fully implemented.

The BSCC Grant Proposal Evaluation Process document was posted to the website in September 2022. The new updated grant administration guide that includes the Emergency Grant process can be located at:

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

We disagree with Community Corrections' assertion that it has fully implemented our recommendation. Community Corrections has updated its website with its 2023 grant administration guide. However, the guidance it posted on its website does not clearly describe the grant proposal evaluation process to ensure transparency, consistency, and fairness in evaluating and awarding grants. Thus, until Community Corrections includes a comprehensive description of its grant evaluation process publicly on its website, we will continue to assess this recommendation as not fully implemented.

The BSCC Grant Proposal Evaluation Process document was posted to the website in September 2022

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

We disagree with Community Corrections' assertion that it has fully implemented our recommendation. Community Corrections has updated its website with its 2023 grant administration guide. However, the guidance it posted on its website does not clearly describe the grant proposal evaluation process to ensure transparency, consistency, and fairness in evaluating and awarding grants. Thus, until Community Corrections includes a comprehensive description of its grant evaluation process publicly on its website, we will continue to assess this recommendation as not fully implemented.

The BSCC Grant Proposal Evaluation Process document was posted to the website in September 2022

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

We disagree with Community Corrections' assertion that it has fully implemented our recommendation. Although Community Corrections updated its grant proposal evaluation process in September 2022, the guidance posted on its website is an administrative manual from 2020. Until it updates the guidance posted on its website, we will continue to assess this recommendation as not fully implemented.

The BSCC Grant Proposal Evaluation Process document was posted to the website in September 2022.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

We disagree with Community Corrections' assertion that it has fully implemented our recommendation. Although Community Corrections updated its grant proposal evaluation process in September 2022, the guidance posted on its website is an administrative manual from 2020. Until it updates the guidance posted on its website, we will continue to report this recommendation as not fully implemented.

The BSCC Grant Proposal Evaluation Process document was posted to the website in September 2022

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

We disagree with Community Corrections' assertion that it has fully implemented our recommendation. Although Community Corrections updated its grant proposal evaluation process in September 2022, the guidance posted on its website is an administrative manual from 2020.

See response to questions one and two.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Community Corrections' responses indicate that it will implement updated grant policies and procedures by June 2022. We look forward to reviewing its progress during future responses.

See response to questions one and two.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

In its response, Community Corrections references "questions one and two," which refers to its update on its progress in implementing recommendations one and two. Specifically, Community Corrections stated that it would improve its standard grant procedures by June 2022. Therefore, we look forward to reviewing Community Corrections' progress in addressing this recommendation once it has updated its grant procedures.

All Recommendations in 2021-616

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.