Report 2021-611 Recommendation 6 Responses
Report 2021-611: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund: Some University Campuses Did Not Maximize Available Federal Pandemic Funds, and They Prioritized Students Differently When Awarding Relief Funds (Release Date: November 2021)
Recommendation #6 To: University of California
UCOP should assist campuses with obtaining federal funds intended to support the success of minority students by creating an initiative to promote obtaining U.S. Department of Education status as Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-serving institutions at those UC campuses that meet the demographic requirement.
A UC-wide initiative to support campuses in their efforts to attain federal AANAPISI status has been established by UCOP. The systemwide AANAPISI committee comprised of campus representatives has been meeting since February to exchange information about current AANAPISI designation applications and funding opportunities. Thus far, the Initiative has sponsored two high-level discussions between UC campus representatives and leaders in the federal administration to help inform us on AANAPISI and other MSI criteria, funding status, and future directions for the programs. These include:
1) On April 13, 2022, the initiative hosted a webinar for the campuses that featured two lead administrators in the US Department of Education on Minority-Serving Institutions and experts on AANAPISI issues - Beatriz Ceja, HSI Division Director, US Department of Education, and James Laws, Title III Part A Programs - Strengthening Institutions, U.S. Department of Education.
2) In collaboration with the UC HSI Initiative, the UC AANAPISI initiative participated in an April 20, 2022, discussion with Melody Gonzalez and Emmanuel Caudillo, of the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics. Minority-serving institutions initiatives, including AANAPISI efforts. The meeting was joined by Undersecretary James Kvaal who requested to address the group.
An all-UC, systemwide AANAPISI-focused retreat is being planned for fall 2022.
- Completion Date: May 2022
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented
UCOP has developed a system-wide AANAPISI committee and held various meetings related to obtaining MSI status.
Planning for a UC-wide initiative to assist eligible UC campuses with applying for AANAPISI status commenced in February 2022. Launched by UCOP's Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs (GUEA) and modeled after UCOP's Hispanic-Serving Institutions initiative, the UC AANAPISI Initiative will be tailored to the specific criteria and goals of the U.S. Department of Education's administered ANNAPISI program. It will be led by UC scholars, administrators and students with expertise and knowledge of best practices for supporting Asian American and Native American Pacific-Islander student success. GUEA will host a systemwide workshop for all UC campuses on the requirements and process for seeking AANAPISI status in April 2022.
- Estimated Completion Date: May 2022
California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending
UCOP states that it has begun planning for the initiative described in our recommendation, but has not completed the process. We look forward to reviewing supporting documentation regarding this initiative when the UCOP provides its next response regarding this recommendation.
All Recommendations in 2021-611
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.