Report 2021-123 Recommendation 2 Responses

Report 2021-123: California Hospice Licensure and Oversight: The State's Weak Oversight of Hospice Agencies Has Created Opportunities for Large-Scale Fraud and Abuse (Release Date: March 2022)

Recommendation #2 To: Justice, Department of

To improve its ability to investigate possible fraud and abuse, DOJ should provide guidance to Public Health about the types of information Public Health should include when it refers complaints that allege fraud to DOJ. Further, DOJ should also document a procedure for following up on complaints that do not include adequate information.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From September 2024

DMFEA and CDPH finalized the MOU. The MOU identifies the types of information that should be included in case referrals. DMFEA and CDPH staff meet quarterly to discuss cases, issues, legislation, and training. We also provide feedback on quality of referrals.

Additionally, DMFEA continues to participate on the Hospice Fraud Task Force with CDPH and multiple other California State agencies. The Task Force discusses trends, issues, investigations, and resources.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented

DOJ provided a copy of its MOU with the California Department of Public Health (Public Health). The MOU includes guidance about the types of information Public Health should include when it refers complaints to DOJ.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From September 2023

Since the Audit was issued, DMFEA met with DPH to discuss several strategies to address hospice fraud, including; streamlining communication channels, improving the quality and quantity of referrals, and updating the agencies' MOU. DMFEA is actively involved in the Hospice Fraud Taskforce, of which DPH is also an active participant.

Additionally, DMFEA and DPH are in the final stages of updating their MOU. Both Departments are reviewing and approving final edits. The revised MOU should be signed this fall.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Pending

1-Year Agency Response

Since the Audit was issued, DMFEA met with DPH to discuss several strategies to address hospice fraud, including; streamlining communication channels, improving the quality and quantity of referrals, and updating the agencies' MOU. DMFEA is actively involved in the Hospice Fraud Taskforce, of which DPH is also an active participant.

Additionally, DMFEA and DPH have put together a working group with representatives from both agencies to collaboratively review and revise the MOU, thereby improving communication and efficiency. The working group has met, reviewed, and discussed the prior MOU and corresponding changes. The agencies have made edits, and the MOU is currently in the process of being updated.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Pending

6-Month Agency Response

Since the Audit issued, DMFEA met with DPH to discuss several strategies to address hospice fraud, including; streamlining communication channels, improving the quality and quantity of referrals, and updating the agencies' MOU. DMFEA and DPH agreed to put together a working group with representatives from both agencies to collaboratively review and revise the MOU, thereby improving communication and efficiency.

The working group has met, reviewed, and discussed the prior MOU and corresponding changes. The agencies have made edits, which are currently under review.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

60-Day Agency Response

Since the Audit issued, DMFEA met with DPH to discuss several strategies to address hospice fraud, including; streamlining communication channels, improving the quality and quantity of referrals, and updating the agencies' MOU. DMFEA and DPH agreed to put together a working group with representatives from both agencies to collaboratively review and revise the MOU, thereby improving communication and efficiency. Efforts are underway to staff and schedule those working group meetings.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2021-123

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.