Report 2021-101 Recommendation 6 Responses
Report 2021-101: K-12 Strong Workforce Program: State and Regional Administrative Shortcomings Limit the Program's Effectiveness in Supporting Grant Applicants (Release Date: February 2022)
Recommendation #6 To: Community Colleges Chancellor's Office
To ensure that unspent funds appropriated for support positions in fiscal year 2018-19 are used for the purposes of creating, supporting, or expanding CTE programs, the Chancellor's Office should, before it issues the fiscal year 2022-23 RFA, add any unspent funds to the amount appropriated to the regional consortia for these purposes.
60-Day Agency Response
A formal notification was delivered to the Regional Consortia providing guidance and instructions for unspent funds appropriated in 2018-19. The RFA for FY2022-2023 has not been issued.
- Completion Date: May 2022
- Response Date: April 2022
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Fully Implemented
The Chancellor's Office chose to allocate the unspent funds to the regional consortia and allow the consortia to decide how to spend those funds, rather than adding the amount to the funds awarded for CTE programs through the fiscal year 2022-23 request for applications. In addition, the Chancellor's Office indicated that at the time of the allocation to the consortia the unspent amount was approximately $2 million, rather than the $2.6 million that we calculated. We did not determine the exact nature of the additional $600,000 spent in during the intervening months.
All Recommendations in 2021-101
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.