Report 2020-804 Recommendation 12 Responses

Report 2020-804: City of Lindsay: It Must Take Substantial Action to Address Its Financial Problems and Its Inadequate Management Practices (Release Date: August 2021)

Recommendation #12 To: Lindsay, City of

To ensure that its fire vehicles meet industry standards and its police vehicles are replaced in a timely manner, by November 2021 Lindsay should develop a sufficiently detailed public safety capital improvement plan that provides for the replacement of those vehicles.

60-Day Agency Response

On November 9, 2021, the Lindsay City Council approved the City of Lindsay Fleet Management and Replacement Policy. The primary objective of this policy is to control the overall cost of operating and maintaining the City of Lindsay's fleet of vehicles and equipment, to maintain vehicles and equipment in a manner that extends their useful life, to control the growth in size of the fleet, to standardize the composition of the fleet and to accurately budget for maintenance and replacement costs.

A complete listing of the vehicles assigned to the City Services and Public Safety Departments is maintained and updated by department heads or their designees and provided to the Finance Department and City Manager on an annual basis or as needed.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in 2020-804

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.