Report 2020-804 Recommendation 11 Responses

Report 2020-804: City of Lindsay: It Must Take Substantial Action to Address Its Financial Problems and Its Inadequate Management Practices (Release Date: August 2021)

Recommendation #11 To: Lindsay, City of

To ensure that Lindsay's public safety model still meets the city's needs, Lindsay should ensure that all public safety officers receive any necessary training within six months of employment beginning August 2022, including any public safety officers who are expected to respond to fires or emergencies.

1-Year Agency Response

Response: The City partially agrees with this recommendation.

Corrective Action: In October 2021, the City hired a full-time Fire Lieutenant

responsible for providing in-house training to Public Safety personnel. The Fire

Lieutenant is also tasked with conducting an analysis of a volunteer firefighter

program as outlined in the job description for this position.

On June 14, 2022, the Lindsay City Council adopted Resolution 22-33, adopting

the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 operating budget. The adopted budget forecasts

expenditures dedicated solely to the Fire Department. The budget summary is

attached hereto as Exhibit F.

By August 1, 2022, two (2) Fire Apparatus Engineers dedicated solely to fire

response were hired. By September 1, 2022, it is expected that four (4) Volunteer

Firefighter's will be hired. Job descriptions for these two positions are hereto

attached as Exhibit G.

On August 19, 2022, the Director of Public Safety Rick Carrillo issued a

Memorandum summarizing the department's efforts to ensure public safety

officers and fire personnel responsible for fire response received or will receive

adequate training (Exhibit H). Public Safety staff training certifications are

attached hereto as Exhibit I.

By September 5, 2022, the City expects to have a self-sufficient Fire Department

with 24 hour fire response. A training matrix for both Fire Apparatus Engineers

and Volunteer Firefighters are hereto attached as Exhibit J.

Estimated Completion: August 2022.

Responsible Staff: City Management, Finance Department, Public Safety


Status: Complete.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

6-Month Agency Response

In October 2021, the City hired a full-time Fire Lieutenant responsible for providing in-house training to Public Safety personnel. The Fire Lieutenant is also tasked with conducting an analysis of a volunteer firefighter program as outlined in the job description for this position (Exhibit G).

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Partially Implemented

60-Day Agency Response

In October 2021, the City hired a full-time Fire Lieutenant responsible for providing in-house training to Public Safety personnel. The Fire Lieutenant is also tasked with conducting an analysis of a volunteer firefighter program.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2020-804

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.