Report 2020-032 Recommendation 4 Responses
Report 2020-032: Clery Act: Some California Colleges and Universities Are Not Accurately Reporting Campus Crime Statistics and Safety Policies as Federal Law Requires (Release Date: May 2021)
Recommendation #4 To: Sonoma State University
To ensure that it accurately reports crime statistics in its annual security report, Sonoma should, by November 2021, strengthen its written procedures to clearly describe the processes it will follow for identifying and reporting Clery reportable crimes and ensure that its staff follows them. Sonoma's procedures should direct its Clery coordinator to obtain additional information about potentially reportable crimes when the initial information submitted by campus security authorities is inconclusive.
6-Month Agency Response
Sonoma State University has developed a Clery Act Guidebook to document our process for identifying and reporting Clery reportable crimes and implemented a training program for Campus Security Authorities. The procedure also includes the process for the Clery coordinator to obtain additional information about potential Clery reportable crimes.
- Completion Date: October 2021
- Response Date: November 2021
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented
60-Day Agency Response
Sonoma State University is in the process of improving its written procedures to clearly describe the processes it will follow for identifying and reporting Clery reportable crimes.
- Estimated Completion Date: 10/01/2021
- Response Date: July 2021
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
All Recommendations in 2020-032
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.