Report 2020-032 Recommendation 13 Responses

Report 2020-032: Clery Act: Some California Colleges and Universities Are Not Accurately Reporting Campus Crime Statistics and Safety Policies as Federal Law Requires (Release Date: May 2021)

Recommendation #13 To: Canada College

To ensure that it is fully compliant with state law, Caņada should, by November 2021, develop all required policies related to campus safety.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2022

We all sections with the exception of the following:

4. Requirement: Education Code: 67380(a)(4) - Post Campus Safety Plan Require the appropriate officials at each campus within their respective jurisdictions to prepare, prominently post, and copy for distribution on request, a campus safety plan that sets forth all of the following: the availability and location of security personnel, methods for summoning assistance of security personnel, any special safeguards that have been established for particular facilities or activities, any actions taken in the preceding 18 months to increase safety, and any changes in safety precautions expected to be made during the next 24 months. For purposes of this section, posting and distribution may be accomplished by including relevant safety information in a student handbook or brochure that is made generally available to students.

Question: Does the Canada College have such a plan with the information listed above?

The Emergency Operations Plan and Public Safety related information is contained in several areas of our District Websites. We will add the same information into our College's website and student handbook.

5. Education Code: 67385(c) - Procedure or Protocols annual review and as necessary update The written procedure or protocols adopted pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be reviewed annually, and updated as necessary in collaboration with sexual assault counselors and student, faculty, and staff representatives.

A statement of annual review will be added to the related policy.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented

After submitting its response, Canada staff provided evidence that it had, in fact, developed all required policies.

1-Year Agency Response

Annual Response (Recommendation 13)

Relevant policies and procedures related to campus safety have been reviewed by members of the Task Force, including the Caņada College Vice President of Student Services, Vice President of Administrative Services, College Public Safety Captain, San Mateo County Community College District Chief of Public Safety and Vice Chancellor/Chief of Staff. The 2021 Report includes updated security policies and procedures. All requisite updates related to missing programs, events, resources, and outdated policies (e.g., SMCCCD Sexual Harassment Administrative Procedures 3434) have been updated and uploaded to our college website. Requisite policy updates were reviewed in alignment with the San Mateo County Community College District (SMCCCD) process for formal policy review and updates. All text from the 6-month update is also located in the Annual Security Report for the college that is also uploaded on the website.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Partially Implemented

Although Canada updated some of its policies and procedures, it did not fully update all of those we identified.

6-Month Agency Response

Relevant policies and procedures related to campus safety are being reviewed by members of the Task Force, including the Caņada College Vice President of Student Services, Vice President of Administrative Services, College Public Safety Captain, Vice Chancellor/Chief of Staff, and San Mateo County Community College District Chief of Public Safety, and Vice Chancellor/Chief of Staff. The Task Force has also expanded to include the College Medical Director, Dean of Counseling, Dean of Enrollment Services & Support Programs, and Student Life & Leadership Manager. The 2021 Report includes updated security policies and procedures. The Task Force is in the process of finalizing additional updates related to missing programs, events, resources, and outdated policies (e.g., SMCCCD Sexual Harassment Administrative Procedures 3434). Requisite policy updates will be reviewed in alignment with the San Mateo County Community College District (SMCCCD) process for formal policy review and updates in the prescribed timeline noted below:

November 2021 - College website temporary updates to compliance roles and responsibilities

December 2021 - College review of local appointments and updates, in alignment with SMCCCD

February 2021 - District Participatory Governance Council (DPGC) first review of draft updates

February 2021 - DPGC gathers college constituency feedback

March 2021 - DPGC second review and recommendations to draft policy updates

March or April 2021 - Board of Trustees review and possible action for draft policy updates

April or May 2021 - Caņada College landing page updated based on Board action

Additional text regarding the College's ongoing efforts to provide annual and recurring programming and resources for the college will be incorporated into the updated 2021 Annual Security Report by Spring 2022. Draft language for these ongoing educational resources is included as an addendum to this submission.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

60-Day Agency Response

The Caņada College Vice President of Student Services and Vice President of Administrative Services, together with the San Mateo County Community College District Chief of Public Safety and Vice Chancellor/Chief of Staff, have brought together a Task Force of college leaders to address the recommendations embedded in this Clery Act Audit report. Members of the Task Force include representatives from key areas of the college that overlap with the various recommendations from the report, including Title IX, Student Life, Counseling, Health Center, and other college areas. The Task Force has met in both one-on-one check-ins and meetings with the lead facilitators to establish a timeline of research and progress reports before submitting an in-depth update by November 2021. More details regarding implementation updates for each recommendation will be submitted by the six month update timeline.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2020-032

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.