Report 2019-125 Recommendation 12 Responses
Report 2019-125: Youth Suicide Prevention: Local Educational Agencies Lack the Resources and Policies Necessary to Effectively Address Rising Rates of Youth Suicide and Self‑Harm (Release Date: September 2020)
Recommendation #12 To: Ukiah Unified School District
To ensure that their teachers and staff have the information necessary to respond consistently, promptly, and appropriately to reduce suicide risk, the six LEAs we reviewed should revise their policies by March 2021 to comply with state law and incorporate the best practices in Education's model policy.
6-Month Agency Response
Ukiah Unified School District revised the UUSD Suicide Prevention Policy after consulting with community partners. Consultation with community partners was previously reported in the 60 day response. The UUSD Board conducted a first reading on December 14, 2020 and a final reading for policy adoption on January 14, 2021. Evidence of compliance will be submitted as requested via email.
- Completion Date: January 2021
- Response Date: March 2021
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented
Ukiah Unified has revised its suicide prevention policy to comply with state law and has incorporated the best practices in Education's model policy. Specifically, the district now requires its policy to be updated annually in conjunction with community stakeholders. Further, the policy appoints the director of students services to serve as a suicide prevention point of contact, requires annual training, creates a postvention response team, and establishes a plan for out-of-school suicide attempts.
60-Day Agency Response
Ukiah Unified School District ("UUSD") is currently in the process of revising its Suicide Prevention Policy. The revised policy is based on the CDE Model Suicide Prevention Policy with input from mental health professionals who have expertise in suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention. To date, the policy has been reviewed and approved by the District Health Advisory Committee (Date:10/16/2020), the UUSD Counselor Network (Date: 10/14/2020), and three community partners: Redwood Community Services, Tapestry Family Services, and the Mendocino County Youth Project.
The UUSD Board will conduct a first reading of Board Policy 5141.52 Youth Suicide Prevention on December 14, 2020, and second reading and, unless there are further modifications, adoption on January 14, 2021.
- Estimated Completion Date: January 2021
- Response Date: November 2020
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
We look forward to reviewing Ukiah Unified School District's revised policies.
All Recommendations in 2019-125
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.