Report 2019-104 Recommendation Responses

Report 2019-104: Youth Experiencing Homelessness: California's Education System for K-12 Inadequately Identifies and Supports These Youth (Release Date: November 2019)

Recommendation for Legislative Action

To ensure that LEAs effectively identify and serve youth experiencing homelessness, the Legislature should require LEAs to follow best practices to ensure that all school staff who provide services to youth experiencing homelessness receive training on the homeless education program at least annually. The Legislature should specify that staff who provide services to these youth include enrollment staff, cafeteria staff, bus drivers, social workers and counselors, teachers, and administrators.

Description of Legislative Action

AB 408 (Quirk-Silva, 2021) would require an LEA to ensure that its certificated and classified employees, including, but not limited to, teachers, support staff, and other school staff who work with pupils, receive training at least annually relating the LEAs homeless education program policies and recognition of signs that pupils are experiencing, or are at risk of experiencing, homelessness. As of November 7, 2021, this bill is pending in the Assembly.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Legislation Introduced

Description of Legislative Action

AB 1937 would have required LEAs to ensure that its school personnel who provide services to youth experiencing homelessness receive training about the homeless education program at least annually.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Legislation Proposed But Not Enacted

Description of Legislative Action

AB 1937 would require LEAs to ensure that its school personnel who provide services to youth experiencing homelessness receive training about the homeless education program at least annually.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Legislation Introduced

Description of Legislative Action

As of January 2020, the Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: No Action Taken

All Recommendations in 2019-104