Report 2019-102 Recommendation Responses

Report 2019-102: Department of Industrial Relations: Its Failure to Adequately Administer the Qualified Medical Evaluator Process May Delay Injured Workers' Access to Benefits (Release Date: November 2019)

Recommendation for Legislative Action

To reduce the delays that replacement panels cause in resolving workers' compensation claims, the Legislature should revise state law to increase the number of QMEs on the panels DWC provides. Specifically, unrepresented employees should continue to choose from a panel of three QMEs, and represented employees should be provided with a panel of five QMEs, of whom the employee and the employer can each strike one, leaving both parties with the same number of QMEs to choose from as unrepresented employees. The party—the worker or the employer—that did not request the panel would select the final QME. If the selected QME is unavailable, the parties would then select from among the two remaining QMEs until they find one that is available.

Description of Legislative Action

As of November 19, 2021, the Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: No Action Taken

Description of Legislative Action

As of November 19, 2020, the Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: No Action Taken

Description of Legislative Action

As of May 19, 2020, the Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: No Action Taken

Description of Legislative Action

As of January 2020, the Legislature has not taken action to address this specific recommendation.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: No Action Taken

All Recommendations in 2019-102