Report 2018-603 Recommendation 3 Responses

Report 2018-603: Department of Health Care Services: It Paid Billions in Questionable Medi-Cal Premiums and Claims Because It Failed to Follow Up on Eligibility Discrepancies (Release Date: October 2018)

Recommendation #3 To: Health Care Services, Department of

To prevent future erroneous payments, Health Care Services should implement procedures by December 31, 2018, to ensure the timely resolution of system discrepancies. These procedures should include Health Care Services regularly following up on recurring, unresolved system discrepancies with the responsible county.

DHCS reinstated county performance standards requiring counties to process at least 90 percent of high-priority Medi-Cal Eligibility Database System (MEDS) alerts within the timeframes outlined in California Welfare and Institution Code (WIC) section 14154(d)(3). Effective June 2024, DHCS transitioned from county self-certification to a data-driven approach allowing for prompt identification of counties not meeting the required MEDS Alerts processing times. In September 2024, DHCS began collaborating with the County Welfare Director's Association, the California Statewide Welfare Automated System, and county health and human services agencies to develop an All County Welfare Director's Letter (ACWDL) detailing the new county performance standards policy, how DHCS will monitor compliance, confirm suspected non-compliance, the actions taken when a county fails to process MEDS alerts on time, and the financial penalties for not meeting the standards by November 26, 2024. DHCS issued ACWDL 23-14E providing counties with a prioritized hierarchy of MEDS Alerts subject to the MEDS county performance standards on October 23, 2024. The enhanced county performance standards easily identify counties with recurring, unresolved alerts resulting in system discrepancies. The new procedures outlined in the county performance standards ACWDL 24-17 ensures DHCS staff follow up on unprocessed alerts regularly, and alerts are processed timely by counties.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented

DHCS reinstated county performance standards and established a process for monitoring unresolved system discrepancies.

No change from the response originally provided to CSA on 07/01/2024:

DHCS will begin resuming the previously enacted MEDS alerts monitoring efforts, including the MEDS Alert Pilot, in June 2024, when the Continuous Coverage Unwinding Period ends. However, it will take several months to fully resume the efforts and collect the documentation required to substantiate DHCS has fully implemented the corrective action measure. Therefore, the implementation date is December 31, 2024.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Per Health Care Services' response, it will not fully implement this recommendation until December 2024.

DHCS will begin resuming the previously enacted MEDS alerts monitoring efforts, including the MEDS Alert Pilot, in June 2024, when the Continuous Coverage Unwinding Period ends. However, it will take several months to fully resume these efforts and collect the documentation required to substantiate that DHCS has fully implemented this corrective action measure. Therefore, the implementation date is now December 31, 2024.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Per Health Care Services' response, it will not fully implement this recommendation until December 2024.

No change from the previous update: DHCS will resume all previously enacted MEDS alerts monitoring efforts including the MEDS Alert Pilot, in June 2024, when the Continuous Coverage Unwinding Period ends.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Per Health Care Services' response, implementation of this recommendation is pending.

DHCS will resume all previously enacted MEDS alerts monitoring efforts including the MEDS Alert Pilot, in June 2024 when the Continuous Coverage Unwinding Period ends.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

DHCS does not expect to fully implement this recommendation until June 2024.

Beginning February 1, 2020, DHCS began monitoring the MEDS alerts reports for all 58 counties. DHCS identified six additional counties to incorporate in a second pilot. DHCS planned to initiate the second pilot in April 2020. Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, efforts are now suspended.

Please refer to the following documents for further information:

- Request for Section 1135 Waiver Flexibilities Related to COVID-19 Emergency

- Medi-Cal Eligibility Division Information Letter No. I20-07

- Request for Federal Waiver to Cover Medi-Cal Recipients and Expand Tele-Health Options

- California Executive Order N-29-20

Otherwise, no changes from the 48 Month update submitted to CSA on August 4, 2022.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Per Health Care Services' response, it will not fully implement this recommendation until March 2024.

The estimated implementation date was extended by four months to 3/1/2024, due to an extension of the Federal PHE for COVID-19. No changes from 45-Month Program Update.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Per Health Care Services' response, it will not implement this recommendation until March 2024.

The Estimated Implementation Date was extended by four months due to an extension of the Federal PHE for COVID-19. Otherwise, no change from previous response.

Beginning February 1, 2020, DHCS began monitoring the MEDS alerts reports for all 58 counties. DHCS identified six additional counties to incorporate in a second pilot. DHCS planned to initiate the second pilot in April 2020. Due to the COVID-19 PHE, efforts are now suspended.

Please refer to the following documents submitted with 39-Month Update in January 2022 for further information:

- Request for Section 1135 Waiver Flexibilities Related to COVID-19 Emergency (Attachment 5).

- MCED Information Letter No. I20-07 (Attachment 6).

- California Requests Federal Government Waiver to Cover Medi-Cal Recipients and Expand Tele-Health Options (Attachment 7).

- California Executive Order N-29-20 (Attachment 8).

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Per Health Care Services' response, it will not fully implement this recommendation until November 2023.

DHCS plans to move forward with the implementation plan provided in the previous update upon termination of the federal public health emergency with no modifications to the original plan: Beginning February 1, 2020, DHCS began monitoring the MEDS alerts reports for all 58 counties. DHCS identified six additional counties to incorporate in a second pilot. DHCS planned to initiate the second pilot in April 2020. Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, efforts are now suspended.

Please refer to the following documents submitted with 39-Month Update in January 2022 for further information:

-Request for Section 1135 Waiver Flexibilities Related to COVID-19 Emergency (Attachment 5).

-MCED Information Letter No. I20-07 (Attachment 6).

-California Requests Federal Government Waiver to Cover Medi-Cal Recipients and Expand Tele-Health Options (Attachment 7).

-California Executive Order N-29-20 (Attachment 8).

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Per Health Care Services' response, it will not fully implement this recommendation until July 2023.

Response is unchanged from the 36-Month update: Beginning February 1, 2020, DHCS began monitoring the MEDS alerts reports for all 58 counties. DHCS identified six additional counties to incorporate in a second pilot. DHCS planned to initiate the second pilot in April 2020. Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, efforts are now suspended.

Please refer to the following documents for further information:

- Request for Section 1135 Waiver Flexibilities Related to COVID-19 Emergency

- Medi-Cal Eligibility Division Information Letter No. I20-07

- California Requests Federal Government Waiver to Cover Medi-Cal Recipients and Expand Tele-Health Options

- California Executive Order N-29-20

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Per Health Care Services' response, it will not fully implement this recommendation until December 2022.

Response is unchanged from 33-Month Update. Beginning February 1, 2020, DHCS began monitoring the MEDS alerts reports for all 58 counties. DHCS identified six additional counties to incorporate in a second pilot. DHCS planned to initiate the second pilot in April 2020. Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, efforts are now suspended.

Please refer to the following documents for further information:

- Request for Section 1135 Waiver Flexibilities Related to COVID-19 Emergency

- Medi-Cal Eligibility Division Information Letter No. I20-07

- California Requests Federal Government Waiver to Cover Medi-Cal Recipients and Expand Tele-Health Options

- California Executive Order N-29-20

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Per Health Care Services' response, it will not fully implement this recommendation until December 2022.

Response is unchanged from 30-Month Update. Beginning February 1, 2020, DHCS began monitoring the MEDS alerts reports for all 58 counties. DHCS identified six additional counties to incorporate in a second pilot. DHCS planned to initiate the second pilot in April 2020. Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, efforts are now suspended.

Please refer to the following documents for further information:

- Rec 3 - MEDIL No. I 20-07 (Attachment 2)

- Rec 3 - Executive Order N-29-20 (Attachment 1)

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Per the department's response, it will not fully implement this recommendation until December 2022.

Response is unchanged from 27-Month Update. Beginning February 1, 2020, DHCS began monitoring the MEDS alerts reports for all 58 counties. DHCS identified six additional counties to incorporate in a second pilot. DHCS planned to initiate the second pilot in April 2020. Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, efforts are now suspended.

Please refer to the following documents for further information:

- Request for Section 1135 Waiver Flexibilities Related to COVID-19 Emergency

- Medi-Cal Eligibility Division Information Letter No. I20-07

- California Requests Federal Government Waiver to Cover Medi-Cal Recipients and Expand Tele-Health Options

- California Executive Order N-29-20

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Per the department's response, it will not fully implement this recommendation until December 2022.

Response is unchanged. Beginning February 1, 2020, DHCS began monitoring the MEDS alerts reports for all 58 counties. DHCS identified six additional counties to incorporate in a second pilot. DHCS planned to initiate the second pilot in April 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, efforts are now suspended.

Please refer to the attachments below for further information:

- Request for Section 1135 Waiver Flexibilities Related to COVID-19 Emergency

- Medi-Cal Eligibility Division Information Letter No. I20-07

- California Requests Federal Government Waiver to Cover Medi-Cal Recipients and Expand Tele-Health Options

- California Executive Order N-29-20

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Per the department's response, it will not fully implement this recommendation until December 2022.

Response is unchanged. Beginning February 1, 2020, DHCS began monitoring the MEDS alerts reports for all 58 counties. DHCS identified six additional counties to incorporate in a second pilot. DHCS planned to initiate the second pilot in April 2020. Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, efforts are now suspended.

Please refer to the attachments below for further information:

- Request for Section 1135 Waiver Flexibilities Related to COVID-19 Emergency

- Medi-Cal Eligibility Division Information Letter No. I20-07

- California Requests Federal Government Waiver to Cover Medi-Cal Recipients and Expand Tele-Health Options

- California Executive Order N-29-20

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Per the department's response, it will not fully implement this recommendation until December 2022.

Response is unchanged. Beginning February 1, 2020, DHCS began monitoring the MEDS alerts reports for all 58 counties. DHCS identified six additional counties to incorporate in a second pilot. DHCS planned to initiate the second pilot in April 2020. Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, efforts are now suspended.

Please refer to the attachments below for further information:

- Request for Section 1135 Waiver Flexibilities Related to COVID-19 Emergency

- Medi-Cal Eligibility Division Information Letter No. I20-07

- California Requests Federal Government Waiver to Cover Medi-Cal Recipients and Expand Tele-Health Options

- California Executive Order N-29-20

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Beginning February 1, 2020, DHCS began monitoring the MEDS alerts reports for all 58 counties. DHCS identified six additional counties to incorporate in a second pilot. DHCS planned to initiate the second pilot in April 2020. Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, efforts are now suspended.

Please refer to the attachments below for further information:

- Request for Section 1135 Waiver Flexibilities Related to COVID-19 Emergency

- Medi-Cal Eligibility Division Information Letter No. I20-07

- California Requests Federal Government Waiver to Cover Medi-Cal Recipients and Expand Tele-Health Options

- California Executive Order N-29-20

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Currently, DHCS' pilot targets the five counties that CSA identified as having the highest number of discrepant records (a total of 85%), and one additional county, San Francisco. Since the pilot contains few counties, communication with a smaller group has proven to be successful in identifying factors that contribute to discrepancies between systems, and facilitating effective solutions to increase synchronization. However, beginning February 1, 2020, DHCS will monitor reports of all 58 counties, and begin the process of working with "high/moderate" risk counties, prior to rolling out the pilot statewide.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

According to Health Care Services' response, implementation of this recommendation is still pending.

DHCS implemented the pilot on June 25, 2019, and submitted substantiating documentation to CSA on August 19, 2019.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Health Care Services did not provide sufficient evidence for us to substantiate its claim that it had fully implemented the recommendation.

In July 2019, DHCS will implement the MEDS alerts pilot project that was originally scheduled for implementation on May 31, 2019.

DHCS delayed the implementation of the MEDS alerts pilot project to ensure that the reports used for this effort:

- Captured the correct alerts.

- Are formatted to ensure readability.

- Have sort/filter functionalities.

- May be used by DHCS to monitor counties' progress, by developing a secondary report that tracks the number of resolved alerts, ongoing (unresolved) alerts, and the number of new alerts on a monthly basis.

A meeting to discuss the pilot process with the counties is scheduled for June 25, 2019

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented

In August 2019 Health Care Services provided evidence that it is in the process of implementing a pilot program that aims to reduce backlogged alerts. However, Health Care Services' pilot program is only being implemented at a selection of counties.

In November 2018, DHCS implemented a quality control process to assist with identifying systems discrepancies. This process includes sending each county a list of individuals in active transitional aid codes that are active in MEDS only. DHCS is monitoring counties' progress in resolving the discrepancies on a regular basis to assess progress in reducing the number of system discrepancies for this population between the state and county systems. In May 2019, DHCS will deploy a second quality control process that specifically focuses on MEDS alerts generated due to a discrepancy in eligibility status between SAWS and MEDS. DHCS will assess progress to evaluate the extent to which the number of alerts are decreasing at a steady, reasonable rate.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented

As of November 2018, DHCS implemented a quality control process to assist with identifying systems discrepancies. This process includes sending each county a list of individuals in active transitional aid codes that are active in MEDS only. DHCS will monitor counties' progress in resolving the discrepancies on a regular basis to assess progress in reducing the number of system discrepancies for this population between the state and county systems.

In January 2019, DHCS will deploy a second quality control process that specifically focuses on MEDS alerts generated due to a discrepancy in eligibility status between the Statewide Automated Welfare System and MEDS. DHCS will assess progress to evaluate the extent to which the number of alerts are decreasing at a steady, reasonable rate.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented

All Recommendations in 2018-603

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.