Report 2018-133 Recommendation 6 Responses
Report 2018-133: Fallen Leaf Lake Community Services District: Its Billing Practices and Small Electorate Jeopardize Its Ability to Provide Services (Release Date: July 2019)
Recommendation #6 To: Fallen Leaf Lake Community Services District
To ensure that the district complies with the reimbursement terms of the fire agreement and does not claim excessive reimbursement amounts, the district's board, by September 15, 2019, should create and implement a policy governing the reimbursement rate the fire chief claims for paid and recruit firefighters who participate on strike team assignments under the fire agreement. Additionally, the district's board should review and approve the annual salary form before the fire chief submits it to Cal OES.
60-Day Agency Response
District Response to 6: On August 31, 2019, the District's Board of Trustees adopted and began implementation of two Resolutions governing the reimbursement rates for firefighters who participate on strike team assignments under the fire agreement. The Resolutions are 2019-5 and 2019-6. The first Resolution provides the terms and conditions for Fire Department response away from official duty station and assigned to an emergency incident. The second Resolution governs overtime pay for those firefighters assigned to an emergency incident. The District's Board will be reviewing and approving the annual salary form before the Fire Chief submits it to Cal-OES in 2020. Copies of the two Resolutions are being provided to the State Auditor's Office
- Completion Date: September 2019
- Response Date: September 2019
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Resolved
The board's two resolutions collectively implement the first part of our recommendation ("create and implement a policy"). We also conclude that the board resolved the second part of our recommendation ("review and approve the annual salary form"). Resolution 2019-5 states that the district will compensate its personnel according to the current board-approved rate sheet or other directive regarding personnel compensation. The resolution also states that, in the event no compensation rate exists for a personnel classification, the district will use the base rate, administrative directive, or similar document to compensate such personnel.
All Recommendations in 2018-133
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.