Report 2018-114 Recommendation 15 Responses
Report 2018-114: Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Program: The Departments of General Services and Veterans Affairs Have Failed to Maximize Participation and to Accurately Measure Program Success (Release Date: February 2019)
Recommendation #15 To: Veterans Affairs, Department of
To ensure that its outreach efforts are effective and result in a greater number of DVBE firms available that can provide the necessary goods and services awarding departments are seeking, CalVet should develop better tracking of the businesses owned by disabled veterans that attend its outreach events and review certification data to determine whether these businesses obtained their certifications.
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2021
Over the last year CalVet has put into place procedures for an ongoing analysis of those veterans who attended DVBE outreach events to identify those that have attended and since become DVBEs. This process ensures proactive support and follow up to the current and prospective DVBEs that come in contact with the department. CalVet has also established a collaborative effort with certification officers from DGS to effectively track and engage with those who expressed specific interest in becoming a certified DVBE. Through this partnership CalVet has developed a tracking system along with a follow-up protocol to further assist those veterans interested in becoming DVBEs through the use of greater data sharing with DGS.
- Completion Date: June 2021
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2020
Through the establishment of the new IA CalVet now has formalized access to certification and procurement data. Due to impacts related to COVID-19, CalVet will begin receiving newly certified DVBE data from DGS on a periodic basis starting no earlier than November 01, 2020. This information will be used to evaluate the impact of our outreach through other veteran benefit related programs at the department to determine if these efforts led to any veteran businesses obtaining a DVBE certification. This includes programs such as the California Transition Assistance Program and the Local Interagency Network Coordinator program. Both of these programs interface with service members, veterans, and their families throughout the state. These programs work to connect veterans with their earned benefits across the state by providing direct referrals to services either in-person, over the phone, via email, for requests such as disability claims assistance, housing, healthcare, employment, education, financial assistance, and requests for military records.
Documented Evidence:
1) Interagency Agreement (executed)
2) CalTap Information (website link)
3) Local Interagency Network Coordinator Program Information (website link to CalVet Resource Book)
- Estimated Completion Date: June 30, 2021
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Pending
1-Year Agency Response
CalVet is establishing a new IA to formalize access to certification and procurement data. Beginning April 01, 2020 CalVet will begin receiving newly certified DVBE data from DGS on a periodic basis. This information will be used to evaluate the impact of our outreach through other veteran benefit related programs at the department to determine if these efforts led to any veteran businesses obtaining a DVBE certification. This includes programs such as the California Transition Assistance Program and the Local Interagency Network Coordinator program. Both of these programs interface with service members, veterans, and their families throughout the state. These programs work to connect veterans with their earned benefits across the state by providing direct referrals to services either in-person, over the phone, via email, for requests such as disability claims assistance, housing, healthcare, employment, education, financial assistance, and requests for military records.
- Estimated Completion Date: 12/2020
- Response Date: February 2020
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Pending
6-Month Agency Response
Our DVBE Outreach and Promotion Enhancement Plan 2019 includes the process of collecting attendee registration information at all DVBE events CalVet attends. CalVet uses Constant Contact to track registration for events developed by our department. We also use post-event surveys designed to determine whether the businesses obtained their certifications.
- Estimated Completion Date: March 27, 2020
- Response Date: August 2019
California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending
60-Day Agency Response
CalVet agrees with this recommendation. CalVet developed a DVBE Enhancement Plan to track DVBE certification growth. The DVBE Enhancement Plan also includes an updated CalVet pre/post survey on outreach efforts and effectiveness. The intention is that DVBEs attending agency and department DVBE outreach events will be given the survey to inquire on the effectiveness of the outreach by the awarding state departments to DVBE firms. The survey will track the DVBE certification of veteran-owned business and prime/subcontractor opportunities. CalVet will follow up with attendees to see if they have completed their surveys.
- Estimated Completion Date: October 31, 2019
- Response Date: April 2019
California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending
All Recommendations in 2018-114
Agency responses received are posted verbatim.