Report 2017-119 Recommendation 57 Responses

Report 2017-119: California State University: It Has Not Provided Adequate Oversight of the Safety of Employees and Students Who Work With Hazardous Materials (Release Date: April 2018)

Recommendation #57 To: Sonoma State University

To ensure the health and safety of students in a laboratory setting, beginning in the Fall 2018 semester, Sonoma should perform reviews at least annually to ensure that all departments are using the student training acknowledgement forms and are complying with the retention requirement.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2019

Sonoma State University implemented procedures to review that departments are using student safety training acknowledgement forms as required by the Chemical Hygiene Plan. The procedures also include documentation and retention requirements.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented

Sonoma provided evidence demonstrating that in April and October 2019 it performed a review to ensure that departments are using and retaining the student training acknowledgement forms. It also provided evidence demonstrating that it revised its Chemical Hygiene Plan to include the requirement for Sonoma to perform reviews annually to ensure that all departments are using the student training acknowledgement forms and are complying with the retention requirement.

1-Year Agency Response

SSU has developed and implemented a student safety in laboratory curriculum.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Pending

Although Sonoma provided evidence demonstrating that in April 2019 it performed a review to ensure that departments are using the student training acknowledgement forms, it did not provide evidence that it plans to do so at least annually or that its review ensures that departments are complying with the retention requirement.

6-Month Agency Response

The campus has begun collecting student training acknowledgement forms beginning in the Fall 2018 semester. The secondary review of student training acknowledgement forms for the Fall 2018 semester is scheduled for December 2018.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

60-Day Agency Response

The university will annually review all departments to ensure the student training acknowledgement forms are completed and compliance with the retention requirement in August 2018 as recommended.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2017-119

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.